Encouragement for the Mom Who Can't Wait for School to Start

Alicia Searl

Contributing Writer
Updated Aug 10, 2023
Encouragement for the Mom Who Can't Wait for School to Start

Now, let’s call out what’s bringing us down, so we can seek the encouragement and the hope we need to lift us up and carry us through until that first day of school! 

I don’t know what it is about the last few days of summer break that seem to push a momma to a breaking point, but sadly, I admit that I’ve just about had it! Ok, before we go on, let me backtrack a bit. Take a “mental” trip back to the springtime. The whimsical month of May. Remember how it blew in and whispered sweet nothings of how wonderful summertime will be. Yep! It wooed my momma heart too (like it always does), saying that there would be endless memories filled with pints of ice cream, leisurely dips in the pool, and freedom to do whatever we pleased. The grass was looking greener on the summer side, and I was ready for the kids to get out of school to start having all this fun together. 

Then August came. And with it came the blistering heat, melting our ice cream well before we could finish it, heating the pool to hot tub temperatures, and begging for us to stay indoors, with a sad and depleted craft box. Between boredom, blaring loud music (I have teens too), and hearing, “Hey mom. Momma. Mooooom!” nearly every time I sat down to catch my breath, I’ve grown utterly exhausted and honestly quite frustrated, too. Now, the grass is looking rather lush and greener on the school side, and I can’t wait for the year to start! 

Maybe it’s always been this way? After all, as summertime comes to a close, I reflect on how each summer tends to start off with excitement, then ends with frustrated tears, pleading God for a little reprieve. It doesn’t matter if you homeschool, do co-ops, or send those cuties off to public school, the emotions a mom carries towards the end of summertime are real and raw. 

That being said, I invite you to unclench your jaw, drop your shoulders, take a deep breath, and realize that change is coming. Yes, that’s right! Good change, my friend. Routines and schedules will be making their debut once again. Cooler weather is on the horizon, and pumpkin lattes will soon be here – Yay! Basically, things will calm down a bit and you will find your groove.

In the meantime, grab your Bible and dig into the verses below. Search them up and write them down if you must, but cling to these Truths and etch them in your heart. Now, let’s call out what’s bringing us down, so we can seek the encouragement and the hope we need to lift us up and carry us through until that first day of school! 

Summer Can Make a Mom Feel Lonely

Between juggling all the plans and events to keep summer filled with joyful moments and precious memories, it can be easy to neglect our own needs for connection. We may even find that our homes are filled with people, but it’s often little people that while they are fun to host, they don’t meet our need for peer fellowship. As summer winds down, while it can be exciting, it may also feel more isolating.

If you are experiencing loneliness, oh, how my heart can relate. Being a mom in any season can feel lonely, but when you are tending to everyone else’s needs, sometimes you don’t even realize how lonely you are until the house gets quiet and the children are back in school.

Verses and Hope When You Feel Lonely

Crack open your Bible and flip through the Book of Palms. It is one of my favorite books because David and several other contributing writers literally pour out their hearts. We can often hear the loneliness and anguish portrayed in their songs, poems, and praises. Yet, we also see how they are met by a good, kind, loyal, and gracious Father. 

Share your heart with our good and gracious God, and let Him meet your need for fellowship in this season. Read Psalm 73:23-26 when you feel lonely, and let Him comfort you.

Anxiety, Stress, and Burn Out – Oh my!

Right about this time of year, there seems to be this colossal collide of the three hideous beasts – anxiety, stress, and the infamous burnout. When they come creeping in, it can often feel like you are the only mom that must be suffering from this, making you want to crawl under a rock and live there for a while. But, if I may, let me assure you that you are not alone in suffering from anxiety, stress, and burnout. 

Where anxiety will lead you to believe you aren’t doing the right thing when it comes to your child’s education, the truth is most moms feel the same weight and pressure and just want what’s best for their family. Many moms stress about how they are going to drop three kids off at three different schools or manage their time in the carpool lines. And you surely are not alone running around ragged from store to store stocking up on school supplies, leaving you in a collapsed state on the couch hours later. Every single mom is facing this too. 

Verses and Hope to Tame Your Anxious Heart

So, where is the hope? God actually has much to say on these topics, and better yet, how He can calm our hearts, minds, and souls with His soothing Words. God tells us to take our hearts to Him in prayer and supplication when we are anxious (Philippians 4:6). He also tells us to not worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34) and when we are weary to come to Him and give Him our burdens (Matthew 11:28).

It’s a day at a time, sweet sister. In time, God will reveal His plan for you and your family. It may not look like your friends, it may even change mid-year, but trust Him. Seek His wisdom and discernment and welcome His peace.

When you feel anxious, read Philippians 4:6. When you struggle with stress, read Matthew 6:34, and when you are burnt out, read Matthew 11:28

This Season Can Bring on So Much Mom Guilt

Ugh, mom guilt is brutal. But, have you noticed how it turns up the heat during the summer? Taunting us with misguided perceptions and misleading us with lies. Mom guilt boldly points out our past faults and mistakes and puts them on repeat in our minds. From all the times we yelled or lost our patience to the moments we snuck out to the car for a little peace while daydreaming of driving somewhere far away. It makes us somehow forget that we already sought our Father for grace and forgiveness.

Dear friend, please understand this - guilt is a liar. It will tell you that you need school to start so you can be the mom you really want to be. It will make you feel that once the routines and schedule start, everything will miraculously be better. It will boldly declare the reason you are impatient, frustrated, or short-tempered is because you need a break. And, while you may truly need a break, God will offer you freedom from your past, where guilt will continue to make you live in doubt. 

Verses and Hope to Overcome Mom Guilt

Oh, how I wish I could say to just let it all go, and poof! Just like that, it was gone. But, I know all too well that it’s much easier said than done. So, I extend a big virtual hug and say that God’s purpose is not to condemn you (John 3:17) but to offer you grace and forgiveness so you can move on and live freely to be the mom He is calling you to be (1 John 1:9). Mistakes, mishaps, and all! 

When mom guilt wants to replay over and over, be sure to read John 3:17 and John 1:9 and be reminded that we serve a God of mercy and grace. 

In closing, remember each and every season comes with its own unique set of challenges. But, just like with anything, there is an end, and then, there is a fresh start to begin all over again. May this school year breathe life back into your weary soul and spark a special relationship with your precious children. God bless you and your family!

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/LightFieldStudios

Alicia SearlAlicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at aliciasearl.com and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.