A Prayer to Lift a Mother’s Emotional Burden

Sarah Nichols

Somedays I long for an escape from the routines and schedules I feel strapped to. It’s not that I’m the most organized person, but motherhood has so many moving parts and pieces, I sometimes think if I could make life a little less chaotic, then maybe I could do it better.

I’m not sure how one does motherhood “better.” Who sets the bar anyways? Who gets it “right”? Yet, most of us moms can relate to a never-ending feeling of unmet expectations. The ones from those around us, and even worse, the expectations we have of ourselves.

Some days we feel so overwhelmed we want to throw in the towel. Please tell me I’m not the only mom who feels this way sometimes.

I felt this way not too long ago. I was texting a friend half joking-half serious and said, “I want to try an experiment at my house and not do any of all the stuff I do around here for a full week. Maybe then my family will recognize all I do and all that is on my plate.”

Struggling with an Overflowing Plate

I’m constantly trying to make sure meals are planned, doctor’s appointments are made, groceries are bought and put away, laundry is somewhat available so kids aren’t looking for a clean pair of socks every single time we are trying to get out of the door.

Despite my best efforts, it constantly feels as if I’m hurried throughout my day and not truly present from one task to the next. All my lists don’t seem to help because I still forget the milk, or the kid’s lunch, or the cash I needed to take out for the field trip, and on and on and on.

We recently moved back “home” after years of living away while my husband served in the Air Force. We weren’t even in our new house for a week when my husband had an out-of-town work trip. It was mid-morning and the kids' second day at their new school when my phone rang as I was trying to unpack one of the multiple boxes scattered around our house. The school nurse had my daughter in her office with excruciating ear pain. We hadn’t seen our new pediatrician yet, but luckily she was able to get her in right away. I picked my daughter up from school early and made arrangements with my mother-in-law to pick up our son.

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/fizkes

After new patient paperwork, introductions, and a look inside her ears, we were on our way with a prescription for a bad case of swimmer’s ear. I hadn’t even made it to the pharmacy when I got a phone call from my son, “Mom, you told grandma my school got out at 1:45!”

My heart sank when I realized his new school actually got out 30 minutes before what I had relayed to my mother-in-law.

Enter mom guilt.

All I could think about as we drove home was my huge mistake and what the new school must think of me, so much for good first impressions.

Not only did I need to apologize to my son, but I also felt the need to write his teacher an email explaining we just moved and I had forgotten our new school schedule. I also had two kids to get to practice, dinner to be made, and the rest of the unpacked boxes lurking around every corner of the house.

If I’m being honest sometimes it feels as if everything falls on my shoulders as a mom. I’m the one the school nurse calls, the one who runs the kids to the doctor appointments, the one who picks up the prescriptions, helps the kids with homework, and makes sure they are ready and out the door for practice.

The Work and Worry on Mothers' Shoulders

I love being a mom, but I constantly feel physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted.

As moms, we often start our journey into motherhood worrying whether our children are getting enough food or having enough wet diapers.

We worry about teaching them to share and be kind.

We worry about teaching them to be truthful and honest.

We worry about teaching them to be good friends and accepting others who aren’t like us.

We worry when they aren’t making friends, or when they are trying to figure this world out and find their way.

When they misbehave we feel it’s our fault.

When they stray, we wonder where we went wrong.

Often we don’t ask for help. Not necessarily because we are too proud, but because sometimes taking the time to ask and schedule help is just another task on our list of to-do’s.

I was recently listening to a podcast about the sacrifice and work of a mother, when I heard the host say, “There is hope as long as women have hope and bring hope into the world.”

We carry the weight of emotional burdens as moms, but we are also hope-bearers.

Of course, there will be days we feel hopeless, on those days may we remember we have a God we can run to, and hope of the gospel.

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/grinvalds

A Prayer for a Mom Who Feels Emotionally Burdened

Dear Lord,

We are so very thankful for the gift our children are, yet sometimes it feels like the weight of motherhood is more than we can carry. We strive for better schedules and routines, anything and everything to make life feel a little less chaotic. We have unrealistic expectations of ourselves and continuously strive to do better when in reality we can’t do it in our strength. Help us remember that.

Lord, we need you, especially in our roles as mothers. Help us hand over to you what is weighing us down. Help us to remember that we can’t do it all, nor do you expect us to. May our expectations of ourselves fade away and be replaced with the desires of your heart for us.

We struggle with guilt over the way we handled a certain situation, or raised our voice, or disciplined a child.

As hard as this role of a mom can be, we also grieve the days passing by, as we know these days are fleeting. We feel overwhelmed and yet saddened as we watch our kids grow, becoming more independent. We question if we have been soaking it all in enough. Could we ever?

Help us to pause, take a breath, take in the wonder motherhood can be. And ask for help when we need it. Help us remember through our burdens, especially emotional ones, you are continually growing us. You are making all things new. Oh, how we long for that. Help us become more like you.

To love better. To serve more.

Lord help us feel seen, in all we are doing, not because of selfish pride, but because it helps us move forward and make this weight a little easier to carry.

May we come alongside other moms you have put in our lives and community, helping them to feel seen.

Help us be bearers of hope, for our families and friends. Help us point our children to you but to remember ultimately our children, and all things, are in your hands.

Thank you for being a God we can run to.


Photo Credit: © Getty Images/kieferpix

Sarah NicholsSarah Nichols is a writer who loves to encourage women by sharing hope-filled stories that point others to Jesus. She lives in Tucson, AZ with her high school sweetheart and their four kids. You can find more from Sarah at her blog http://sarahnicholswrites.com and on Instagram @sarahnicholswrites.

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This article is part of our larger Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray. 

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