The importance is learning to discern and listen to the Holy Spirit's convictions regarding our participation in such festivities.
I'll never forget one of my first Halloween costumes as a child. With an orange, yellow, and white striped triangle, I was set as an adorable candy corn. Looking back, I realize it was a bit cheesy. But it sure was fun dressing up, hanging out with friends, and walking the downtown streets looking high and low for festive treats.
Throughout childhood, my family was known for hosting Halloween parties for us kids. We'd bob for apples, spend hours reading made-up ghost stories, and make crazy foods, naming them with silly descriptions (like making meatballs "eyeballs" or black pasta "worms"). I never thought anything of it. October was a time for fun, food, and the harvest.
Understanding the Historical Context of "Halloween"
As I grew, I realized that not everyone thought of Halloween the same way I did. While Halloween originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, celebrated over 2,000 years ago to mark the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter, modern-day celebrations have evolved significantly. Samhain was a time when it was believed that the boundary between the living and the dead was thinnest, but this festival transformed through Roman influence and Christian adaptation. By the 8th century, the Catholic Church began replacing pagan festivals with Christian observances. This is why, at least in America, Halloween is now seen as a community-focused celebration filled with costumes, trick-or-treating, and festive gatherings. However, Halloween divides many Christians today due to its associations and origins, cultural influences, and varying interpretations of Scripture.
No matter which side you stand on regarding Halloween, it's crucial to navigate this topic with grace and truth. Many who celebrate or have celebrated Halloween may be unaware of its origins, so we must approach the conversation in a way that honors our faith and fosters understanding.
Concerns for Christians Regarding Halloween
While Halloween is traditionally and widely celebrated, some concerns come about due to the symbolism of fear, darkness, and death. Even though my family and I never celebrated these aspects of the holiday, it's important to keep in mind that some people may.
As Christians, I would caution us to remember that while the Bible doesn't explicitly talk about Halloween, it does talk about darkness. Many churches use this holiday and trick-or-treat as an outreach opportunity. And yet we're told in Ephesians 5:11 "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them" (NIV). 2 Corinthians 6:14 furthers our contrast between light and darkness in this way: "Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness" (NLT)?
We're told to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16), but that light and darkness cannot co-exist. This is why Matthew 6:24, though referring to wealth, notes that we can't serve God and money. We're called to share the gospel even to those in darkness (Matthew 28:16-20) but not become that darkness ourselves (1 John 1:6). A little confusing, right?
The potential for people promoting non-Christian values is possible. We live in a broken, fallen, and sinful world. But this is a possibility for almost everything, not just one holiday throughout the year. The importance is learning to discern and listen to the Holy Spirit's convictions regarding our participation in such festivities.
Finding a Faith-Centered Approach to Halloween
Though it's been many years since I hosted Halloween parties or went trick-or-treating with friends, I want to emphasize that celebrating Halloween as a time to dress up, have fun with friends, and engage with the community isn't wrong or sinful. If we believe in Jesus and have been forgiven and saved by Him, then we know that what 1 John 1:5 says is true: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (NIV).
The light of Jesus lives within us, no matter where we go. It pierces light into the darkest places. But this isn't a freedom to abuse or do whatever we want. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that while we "can" do anything, "not everything is good for us" (1 Corinthians 10:23). I believe this can apply to Halloween or anything we participate in if the Holy Spirit convicts us. Celebrating Halloween for fun with friends is different than celebrating the darkness or evil spirits. It comes down to the motives.
Having open and honest conversations about tricky holidays and subjects like Halloween can deepen our faith and relationship with God. Not only does it encourage us to think about our intentions but to be mindful in prayer about our participation. Celebrating Halloween doesn't have to be doom and gloom, and I do believe it's possible to be a Christian and celebrate it in a way that's respectful to our faith.
Alternatives to Traditional Halloween Celebrations
If you're looking for some alternatives to traditional Halloween celebrations, here are a few to get you started:
Harvest Festivals: Every year, my husband and I attend 2-3 harvest festivals. We love them because they often involve community gatherings focused on gratitude and God’s creation. Examples of Harvest Festivals could be Apple Picking Festivals, Pumpkin Festivals, Pumpkin Shows, or Carnivals.
Family Movie Nights: Fall is also a great time to watch faith-based films that promote positive messages. While family movie nights can happen year-round, watching peanut classics like The Great Pumpkin or appropriate Disney shows can be fun and festive.
Service Projects: In college, my husband and I loved engaging in community service as a way to spread love and kindness. When the leaves start changing colors, it reminds us that those around you may be in need. Lending a helping hand serves others and blesses your heart.
Fall-themed Bible Studies: When the air is crisp and the leaves are crunchy, I love sitting outside and reading my Bible. Try using the spooky season as an opportunity for spiritual growth and reflection through some fall-themed Bible Studies. Or, try hosting a small group session with friends.
Tips for Christians Who Choose to Celebrate Halloween
At the end of the day, celebrating Halloween as a Christian comes down to your convictions. The Lord is faithful in speaking to us, and sometimes, He speaks differently to each of us. This doesn't negate or change Scripture, but it's helpful when it comes to things that depend on personal conviction and motive.
If you're celebrating Halloween this October, here's some simple recommendations:
Set Boundaries: Setting boundaries around costumes and decorations is important. Instead of advocating for cults or pagans rituals, focus on wholesome themes. Use colorful pumpkins, friendly ghosts, or harvest elements.
Incorporate Faith: Remember, by the 8th century, pagan festivals were replaced with Christian celebrations, including "All Hallows' Eve," which eventually transformed into Halloween. Incorporating faith into the activities we partake in is a great way to celebrate and be a witness. We can have fun but also engage in themed activities and discussions that shine biblical light and truth. Use this opportunity to share the gospel with neighbors and friends.
A Call This Halloween
As October 31st nears, I encourage you to approach Halloween with intention, grace, and truth. Everyone comes from different backgrounds, and this isn't the time to grab pitchforks and throw unkind accusations. Not everyone who celebrates this holiday celebrates the darkness and evil, but be aware that some may. This is why it's of the utmost importance to reflect, pray, and talk to God about your feelings, intentions, and motivations when it comes to celebrating.
This week, reflect on how you can honor your faith during this season. Talk to God about the best fit for you and your family, and then share your experiences and ideas about celebrating or not celebrating Halloween in a faith-centered way.
Agape, Amber
Photo Credit: ©SWN