You will keep the peace, a perfect peace, for all who trust in You, for those who dedicate their hearts and minds to You. Isaiah 26:3 (VOICE)
Lately I’ve been seeing the word “Dwell” a lot.
I saw the word, “DWELL” painted on a sign while rushing through airport last week.
Then I saw it again on a billboard while I beat my fingers on the steering wheel in traffic.
I found it again in a graphic while browsing on line.
I even used it in the post I wrote on Monday.
I’ve learnt that when something keeps coming to my notice that God might be trying to tell me something. (tweet this)
Ironically, I haven’t had much time lately to stop and think about the word, “dwell”.
And I think that might be why God is trying to make me notice it.
After all “dwell” isn’t really a common word these days. I even had to look it up in the dictionary just to make sure I knew it’s meaning: to live (in a specified state)
Then this morning this verse in Isaiah 26:3 caught my attention, You will keep the peace, a perfect peace, for all who trust in You, for those who dedicate their hearts and minds to You.
Immediately after I read I thought: “DWELL”
It was like the word, dwell” and Isaiah 26:3 were meant to be together all along. A bit like caramel and salt. They are good on their own but together…yum!
I’m breathing this in today. I’m trying to dwell in this verse. I’m trying to let God dwell in my heart and bring peace.
God knows I needed this message today. Tomorrow, Xylon goes for his first scan post our scare 3 months ago. And I’ve found myself unceasingly praying for zero (again). We’ll only get the results on Monday and already I can feel anxiety building in body, tensing in my back.
But then there is this reminder to dwell away from anxiety, to dwell in peace:
I, Abba, will keep the peace, a perfect peace, for all who trust in Me, for those who dedicate their hearts and minds to Me.
For those who dwell in me.*
*Paraphrase my own
Ponder: I don’t know what kind of hard thing is stopping you from finding space to dwell today but I’d like to invite you to stop and take a moment to read this verse in Isaiah 26:3 again.
Prayer: Thank you that you will keep the peace, a perfect peace for all who trust in you. God, I dedicate my heart and mind to you. Help me to dwell in peace today. Amen.
I’ve also shared “A prayer for peace when you’re feeling worried” over at ibelieve.com so make sure to click this link to read that.
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- This was orginally published on my site in August 2015. To read more devotionals like this go to ilovedevotionals.com