How I Learned to Reduce Stress in My Life

Michelle S. Lazurek

As someone with an anxiety disorder, one of the main factors in my life is mental health. When I'm overly stressed, I tend to become anxious and overthink my situation. I know I need to lessen the amount of stress in my life so I can keep my anxiety at bay, but it's easier said than done. Work deadlines, conflict, and other factors can keep my stress at an unhealthy level. We all could use a little help reducing the amount of stress in our lives. 

Although stress is a natural part of life and full of uncontrollable issues, I know that by keeping my stress level down, I'm not only keeping my body healthy but also being a good steward of what God promises us in his Word. One of the most used phrases in scripture is “Do not fear.” It is easy in our own human spirit to become afraid of the unknown or what we can't control. However, by making some changes to our diet and lifestyle, we might be able to keep stress at a level where it doesn't do irreparable damage to our minds, hearts, and bodies. 

Here are some ways I have learned to reduce stress:

Analyze the To-do List

Many times, I have said yes and taken on more things than my schedule or my mind can handle. Because I am someone who struggles with anxiety, I have had to learn to keep my plate not overly filled with tasks. I need to make more margin in my life for relaxation and just enjoy meaningful relationships. Although it is difficult, sometimes I must say no to a special event or an activity simply because I'm overwhelmed. When I feel overwhelmed, my stress level is very high. I need to find coping mechanisms that will help me navigate a stressful moment in my life. 

Pay Down Debt

This seems like an odd step to take, but finances are one of the most difficult areas of my life. Being a writer, I don't make a ton of money, so we often have to rely on my husband's income to make ends meet. This is fine if everything is okay, but an undue issue with our pet or a home repair can cost us quite a bit of money. This forces us to use credit cards or other ways to finance and fix the issue. But as a one-income family, we must make our dollars stretch. Therefore, every extra dollar that I have goes toward paying down bills. There's not only a sense of accomplishment that comes from paying off large debt, but it also helps me sleep at night knowing that I'm keeping our bills at a minimum so we can continue to live off one income. Ideally, it would be good if everyone could live off one income and bank one income to save for a rainy day or other unanticipated expenses. Although that is not possible, it is possible to make some goals where you pay down large debt so that you don't have to worry about where the extra dollars are going. 

Keep Regular Doctors Appointments

This may sound simplistic, but I must ensure my body is at an optimal level. If I can find something that's wrong before I'm subjected to unneeded tests, it will help keep my body healthy and not create any needless medical expenses. Because I'm a self-aware person, I know when my body is not working right. If I'm feeling extra fatigued or I'm in chronic pain, I'll make an appointment to go to the doctor to find out what is wrong. By nipping smaller medical issues in the bud, it may help to refrain from having to do big tests or surgeries in the future. 

Make Room for Relaxation

When I was a kid, I thought nothing of spending all day in my room reading a book or going to the playground to play on the swings in monkey bars. As an adult, life gets so busy that I often don't have time to stop and just relax and enjoy. Sometimes, I will relax with a hot bath or an extra massage. Massage helps calm my nervous system and helps deal with chronic pain. Although these are not the only ways to combat stress, they do help me when I'm feeling anxious. I also love to go for a walk, put in my air pods in, and listen to music. Music helps me keep my mind off of my current situation and often brings me back to a happier time in life. Because I grew up as a child of the 80s, I love 80s music the best. When I put it on, I remember where I was when I first heard that song. It allows me to go back in time and remember my childhood where I was able to have simple joys and fewer worries in life. 

Know When to Say No

I draw firm boundaries when it comes to people needing things from me. Sometimes, I often think by saying no they're being unkind or ungodly. But no is sometimes the most powerful word when it comes to your own health and mindset. The only person in life I must answer to is the Lord. When I'm feeling extra stressed, I know that's not God's will for me. Therefore, I must reduce the issues that make me anxious. I also will tell a friend or talk to them, and they can let me know their wisdom or insight on the subject. 

Spend Time Outside

Growing up, I didn't spend a lot of time outside. I don't naturally gravitate toward nature. However, when I do, it always makes me focus on the greatness of God when it comes to the vastness of our world that he created. When I'm able to commune with nature, I'm able to commune with God a little more. 

Have a Daily Quiet Time

I dedicate at least a half hour each morning to talking to God. Oftentimes I simply start by thanking him for listening to my prayers and hearing me. It’s comforting to know that I am never alone and that there is one person in this world who will love me and listen to my prayers with no judgment. Additionally, I can put my hope in God that even if a situation looks bleak and impossible to resolve positively, I have hope that as I have breath in my lungs, the situation can turn out for my good. God always does what's best for his children. He never wants us to go through pain without some sort of purpose. God uses every situation in our lives, including our pain, to make us more like Christ. When I know that every situation in my life is being used to shape me into a more Christ-like person, I can at least take solace in knowing that God does not waste our pain. 

Surround Yourself with Positive People

I have at least two people in my life I know will love me and pray for me regardless of the situation. They listen, and they answer my request and offer wisdom and insight. Above all, I'm confident they will continue to pray for me, and I know that I can give my problems over to them, and they will be faithful in asking God to help me resolve them. Everyone should have at least one person in their life whom they can do this with. Find someone you know who will give you wise counsel and be able to see the situation objectively. 

Practice Forgiveness

This is the hardest part of any of the steps mentioned above. I don't feel like forgiving because I feel like that person's getting off the hook for what they've done. But forgiveness is for me, not for them. Forgiveness helps me relax about the situation, resolve my anger and other negative emotions, and also learn to love as Jesus loved. Jesus loved Judas right up to the moment he betrayed him. He washed his feet and kept him as one of his own even when he knew he would betray him. God is the ultimate example of unconditional love. Although I find it difficult to practice love like this in the same way, I know that by following Christ each day, he will allow me to become a little more like him. 

Stress can be a necessary element of our lives, but it doesn't have to break us. By following the steps above or creating your own, managing stress can be part of a solution to a healthy lifestyle instead of allowing stress to become the biggest problem. When you evaluate your life, discover the things that you can get rid of so you can have less stress and more time to enjoy the life God gives in abundance.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/PeopleImages

Michelle S. Lazurek is a multi-genre award-winning author, speaker, pastor's wife, and mother. She is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services and a certified writing coach. Her new children’s book Who God Wants Me to Be encourages girls to discover God’s plan for their careers. When not working, she enjoys sipping a Starbucks latte, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and her crazy dog. For more info, please visit her website S. Lazurek is a multi-genre award-winning author, speaker, pastor's wife, and mother. She is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services and a certified writing coach. Her new children’s book Who God Wants Me to Be encourages girls to discover God’s plan for their careers. When not working, she enjoys sipping a Starbucks latte, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and her crazy dog. For more info, please visit her website

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