7 Ways to Mix Up Your Fitness Routine

Betsy St. Amant Haddox

iBelieve Contributing Writer
Updated Aug 03, 2023
7 Ways to Mix Up Your Fitness Routine

It’s no secret that there are a ton of benefits to exercising regularly! From the strength we build to the way our jeans fit better, to the rush of endorphins and good-mood stabilizers in our systems, it’s almost silly for us women not to work out. 

For me, the gym has always been more about my mental and physical health than the way I look. Sure, exercising consistently produces nice results of muscle mass and leaner lines, but it’s not really about that. I’ve learned to go and work out even when bloated, even when I “feel fat,” and even when I’m exhausted or sore from last week’s session. I’ve never once regretted attending a workout session, but I’ve certainly regretted the times I didn’t go. 

However, whether you’ve been in the gym for five weeks or five years, burn-out can be a real struggle. Once you get bored with your current routine, it’s hard to motivate yourself to return for that burn. 

So here are seven ways to mix up your fitness routine:

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Danielle Cerullo

1. Take a Class

I used to wander around the gym, aimlessly hitting this machine, then that one, unsure how long to do what on each one, and feeling like everyone was watching me do it wrong. Even when I learned how to use the machines properly, and took a list of exercises to do with me, I felt awkward and in the spotlight. So I tried a class with a co-worker, and no lie—my life changed. I realized I was totally a class junkie! I still occasionally go inside the gym on my own, but I now prefer working out in groups doing barre or TRX three to four times a week. Classes offer accountability—after all, people expect to see you come back! Teachers also help you with form and give instructions, usually providing a lot of laughs and commiseration too. If you’ve never tried a class, check out your local gym or YMCA and hit the next strength-training, spin, or Zumba session. I promise you’ll have a blast! (You’ll also feel much less conspicuous in a group of new friends!) 

2. Download a Fitness App

If classes aren’t your thing and you’re starting to feel like an aimless wanderer in the gym like I once did, consider downloading a fitness app. There are hundreds to choose from, ranging from free to as much money as you’re willing to pay. These apps can schedule your workouts for you, track your goals and progress, set new challenges, and provide instructions on those days you’re just not feeling it. Plus, with an app, you can’t cheat, so you’re staying motivated to get that workout in and keep your commitment to your digital schedule. 

adults jogging together; workout buddy

3. Find a Workout Buddy

Accountability and a little competition go a long way in producing motivation! When I worked an 8-5 day job years ago, my co-worker and I would hit the gym together almost every day during our lunch break. We’d either take a class or go with a printed sheet of exercises to do, and would usually do them together. We could cheer each other on, celebrate our victories, and enjoy a little “misery loves company” as we realized we possibly over-extended ourselves! We could also people-watch together, scope out new moves to try and take progress photos for each other. It made all the difference because on the days I didn’t feel like going, she was there to tell me to get in the car and vice versa. If you don’t have a gym buddy to go with in person, find someone online with similar goals as you, and engage in a little digital competition. You could send each other your workout stats, your goals, and your progress, and keep each other accountable for showing up and sending a report. 

4. Change Your Environment

Another simple way to mix up your exercise routine is to go somewhere new. Are you currently at a particular gym? Try another one. Do you normally work out first thing in the morning? Maybe try going in the evenings for a while, or during lunch. Your body might need a new rhythm to shake up your metabolism and find fresh energy. Do you always work out inside? Programs like Camp Gladiator offer group outdoor workouts, which—depending on where you live and your climate—can be a fun way to get some fresh air and sunshine during your exercise routine. Or consider the opposite—are you used to jogging outside, but the weather is getting too warm? Switch to an indoor workout! Little changes like these can shake up your routine and get you motivated again.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images / ridofranz

5. Reward Yourself

I don’t necessarily mean with chocolate, but hey, if that works for you, go for it (wink)! I’m thinking more about rewarding yourself for a workout well executed with a treat that is also good for your body, such as a massage, a healthy lunch at that new whole-food café, or getting a pedicure. Or consider treating your mind and purchasing that new novel you’ve been wanting to read, or arranging for a babysitter to get in some much-needed self-care time. It’s totally okay to bribe yourself occasionally—with good things!—when you get in a rut. Maybe you could finally purchase that new fitness band or upgrade your smartwatch to a newer version. Or maybe for you, motivation is as simple as creating a sticker chart and seeing a gold star fill the calendar square for that day! Whatever it takes, treat your body, mind, and spirit, and get motivated—and get moving. 

6. Buy a New Outfit

Okay, I realize this one might sound superfluous, but I’m living proof that feeling confident and pretty can do wonders for one’s motivation! If you’re bored in the gym or with your current routine, or feeling like your current workout wardrobe is no longer flattering, buying a few pairs of patterned yoga pants or a new sports bra might just give you the motivation to get back to it. The instructor at my barre class has so many different pairs of yoga pants, I don’t think she’s worn the same pair twice this entire year. She’ll wear heart patterns during Valentine’s week, red, white, and blue in July, and snowflakes in January…she even has a pair covered in Peeps that she wears around Easter! Treat yourself to a new item of clothing and go flaunt it, sister.  

7. Celebrate Small Victories

Maybe your time spent in the gym has gotten you closer to your goal of going down a pant size or reaching a certain number on the scale. That’s great, but remember to also celebrate the non-scale victories. As women with fluctuating hormones and shifting metabolisms, we can’t let it always be about our weight, or we’ll lose motivation quickly and go right back to the ice cream pint! Keep showing up, keep being consistent, and take note of your “small victories.” For example, last week in my TRX class, I realized I could hold a plank far longer than I could just a few months prior. Recognizing that gave me a rush of adrenaline and motivation to try to hold it even longer! It made my day. Strength progress is rarely recognized in our clothing or on the scale, so be sure to give yourself props where it’s due. You’ve earned it! Are you more flexible than you were before you started working out? Has your balance improved? Can you hold your baby longer without your arms getting tired, or lift your toddler higher? All of that counts, friend. 

Remember, as important as our physical health is, it’s not just about that. Regular exercise also benefits us mentally, hormonally, and even spiritually. After all, there’s no better time to turn on praise music or listen to that latest Christian podcast than when you’re logging miles on the treadmill. We can honor God with our bodies—His temple—and make our workouts a time of worship. 

Romans 12:1 (ESV) "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV) "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

Take care of yourself, sister, and don’t be afraid to try new things as you work toward full, well-rounded health. 

Betsy_headshotBetsy St. Amant Haddox is the author of over twenty romance novels and novellas. She resides in north Louisiana with her hubby, two daughters, an impressive stash of coffee mugs, and one furry Schnauzer-toddler. Betsy has a B.A. in Communications and a deep-rooted passion for seeing women restored to truth. When she’s not composing her next book or trying to prove unicorns are real, Betsy can be found somewhere in the vicinity of an iced coffee. She is a regular contributor to iBelieve.com and offers author coaching and editorial services via Storyside LLC. 

Originally published Thursday, 27 July 2023.