I Am Free - Wholly Loved - February 18

I am Free
By Meredith Kendall

 “To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” John 8: 31-32

In 2011, an assault on my life triggered PTSD and anxiety attacks. The effects were so tremendous, it took all I had to go back to work. My job required me to teach life skills classes in our local jail and the man who had beaten me up had never been caught. Every time I walked into my classroom, I never knew if he had been arrested and would request my class not knowing I was the teacher. I lived with this fear for years until I couldn’t take it anymore. One day I quit teaching. I lost part of who I was that day, but the stress was just too much for my body to handle.

I lived with constant fear for almost seven years until I finally broke down and told God there had to be another way to live. I was determined and started reading the Scriptures for specifics.  I found passages that talked about God being our Healer. 

I wanted instant healing. What God had me do was hard work. 

He asked tough questions, like did I really believe that I could be healed? Today’s passage says that we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. 

I wanted freedom from the bondage of PTSD and anxiety.  I’m grateful God used His truth and healing to set me free. Is there something you are wanting to be set free from? 

Meredith Kendall, a contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries’ devotions, is a change agent, driven by her God-given passion to equip struggling families to achieve their unique God-given potential. As a nationally recognized sales leader, Meredith Kendall learned how to build bridges and make connections with the heart of what people need. God called her to co-found Advancing the Gospel which serves those who are often forgotten. Today she uses her gifting’s to help people understand the root causes of their struggles and find freedom through Christ. Visit her online at www.meredithsagekendall.com.

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Originally published Tuesday, 18 February 2020.