He Claims Me as His Girl - Wholly Loved - June 7


He Claims Me as His Girl
By Kristen Terrette

“Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.” Psalm 100:3

I used to base my identity on my relationships. I’m embarrassed to admit that, but it’s true. I was always “so-and-so’s” girl or “so-and-so’s” arm candy. I recognized I was in a horrific relationship but thought if I wasn’t with this person, I wouldn’t be me. I felt that people only knew me as his girlfriend. I even relied on my relationship with my husband to give me a sense of self-worth I felt I lacked.

We were already married when I decided to follow Christ wholeheartedly. It was only then, when I took a submissive and obedient role under Christ, that I realized my identity comes from my Savior. He’s who I belong to. He claims me as His girl. I’m not worthy of His consuming love, but He gives it anyway. This has changed my worldview and how I deal with all types of relationships.

Now that I have a teenage daughter, I’m constantly reminding her that Jesus is the One who loves, protects, and claims her as His beloved. She doesn’t have to put up with anyone who doesn’t see her worth the way Christ does. I’m hoping she won’t make the same mistakes I did and that she’ll find her identity in Him first.

Have you allowed other relationships with a spouse, boyfriend, coworker, or friend define you? Recognize that if you’ve trusted in Christ for salvation, no one can take that away. He has forever left His seal on your heart (2 Corinthians 1:22). You’re no longer identified as anyone else’s.

When your way of thinking about yourself changes, all your relationships can fall into their rightful place.

Kristen Terretteholds a Master's degree in Theological Studies and served as a Children's Ministry Director for five years. She cherishes her Southern roots and currently lives 45 minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. She’s following her dream by writing Christian fiction during the day and being a wife and mom come early afternoon when the family arrives home. She serves on the Wholly Loved Ministries team, serves at her local church on the women's leadership team, and writes for Crosswalk.com. To see her blog and novels, check out her website at www.kristenterrette.com.

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Originally published Friday, 07 June 2019.