Blinding Demands - Wholly Loved - June 10

Blinding Demands

By Lollie Hofer

“So they asked Him, ‘What sign then will You give that we may see it and believe You? What will You do’?” John 6:30

If we’re honest with ourselves, at times we’ve been blinded by what we want just like the folks in John 6:30. They wanted their stomachs filled because they remembered how delicious the fish and bread tasted the day before (John 6:1-13). Focused on their physical needs, they sought Jesus out. He offered them spiritual bread instead. When He called them to a deeper commitment, one based on belief, they insisted He prove Himself.

In John 6:2, you’ll see that previously these same people “followed Him because they saw the miraculous signs He had performed on the sick.” They were present as He fed 5,000 men, not including the women and children. They also had a good idea how He crossed the lake. They expected Him to be their king (vs. 15) and couldn’t understand the kingdom He offered wasn’t the one they envisioned. So they doubted His abilities. “What will You do?” they asked. Here’s a tough question. Do you ever doubt Jesus?

I admit my demands can blind me to the truth and cause me to question God. If I desire something outside of God’s will that He won’t let me have, I’ll challenge His good intentions toward me. When my prayers aren’t answered due to self-centered requests, I’ll question His ability. Or if He speaks truth I don’t want to hear, I’ll accuse Him of not caring. Whenever I doubt His goodness, it keeps me from seeing God for who He is and then I want Him to validate Himself.

Good news! The Holy Spirit reveals God’s truth to us. Whether or not God gives us what we want, His intentions for our lives are always good. Jesus can open our hearts to see what’s true and our understanding to recognize His amazing works in our lives. Being secure and surrendered in Him means we don’t have to demand a sign.

Lollie Hofer is a wife, mother, grandmother and freelance author. She and her husband, Mike, are blessed with two adult children and three grandchildren. They live in Omaha, Nebraska. She attends Omaha Christian Center where she is involved in the children’s ministries. It is her desire for the Lord Jesus to be lifted high in all she writes. You are invited to visit her blog at

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Originally published Monday, 10 June 2024.