Reconnected Life - God's Love at Work - Week of August 4

Reconnected Life

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of August 4, 2024 

During study time with our Lord very recently, He revealed to me that we’re moving into an appointed time of great, widespread redemption.  

Therefore, watch for pivotal moments and markers that’ll shift every facet of your life.  

God will work blessings into your life, especially through family, to rebuild Godly legacy and all that this means. It’ll happen in His way and not by our simple logic.  

Some will come through immediate family, some through God's family-at-large and some through reconnected and new family members. 

It’s right before us. So, remain on course with fierce focus. 

Shake off the depression, the discouragement, the disappointments, and distractions. They’re dead and gone and have no place forward.  

Bring your mind and determination into submission to God and let Him renew it all. Do not be grieved or be deceived. Instead, be strong in Him and be ready.  

God's mega pivots will happen in single days over a short period of time, and they’ll be life-changing.  

We’ll actually have to release some things to regain better things, since God is disconnecting us from what has served its divine purposes. He’ll also reconnect us in new assignments to fulfill His purpose of expanse.  

The latter will be greater (Habakkuk 2:9). It’ll be in season and, therefore, sweet. It’ll be better than what we’ve known before. 

God is in this shift. He has it and He has you. You can do it with Him. So, be steadfast and go when the time comes, leaving all else to Him.  

He has empowered and equipped you to be a beacon, so you have what it takes. He has enabled you to exercise the great faith of Abraham that He has instilled in you for this newness before you.  

God will make it work on your behalf for legacy purposes. He has commissioned you, according to His plan. 

It’ll look unique for each person, but all are called and assigned to bring new life wherever He directs.  

There’ll be an appropriate provision of resources to fulfill life-long, God-given dreams and desires of the heart for all of God’s sent ones.  

For some, it’ll include houses they didn’t build and are assigned to rebuild and restore physically, as well as spiritually for generations to come.  

Like Nehemiah, God will give these sent and assigned ones a heart to see it to completion. There’ll be a deep restoration of heart as they do the work, and they’ll experience His supernatural power to carry out the mission.  

For God’s generous ones, there’ll be open-door opportunities to give to their heart’s greatest desires. Holy Spirit will show them the way through the process to fulfill their life-long promises from Him, to Him and with Him.  

For the neglected ones, there’ll be a lifting and a of restoration of family. But it’ll happen God’s way and include family members of His choosing.  

It’ll be different than in previous seasons. There’ll be a God-ordained repositioning of people. There’ll also be outward healings and creative miracles of restoration to facilitate this. So, it’s important to go with the will of God, even if it doesn’t look like what you thought.  

There’ll be promotion after promotion that’ll happen in uncommon ways. So, be wise to set your mind on God and not on your own understanding. It’s critical to depend entirely on Him and not on anyone else, because God is doing a new thing that’ll rest on every area of life. And we must depend on Him for it all.  

As you’ve drawn near to God, there’ll be a drawing together of the fragments of life into a more complete whole; and you’ll not only be a witness to it, you’ll have a role in it. Where God has been working “it” for good, the good will come into place and flow like a river from a supernatural confluence. 

And it’ll be enjoyable. There’ll be rejoice amid the work to do. It’ll be a joy and not a heavy burden, because this is what you’ve waited for and been prepared for. 

Even amid the work, you’ll unpack and exhale. You’ll experience progress that’ll spur you onward. It’ll bring a smile to your face again to be released to work with God like this. It’ll be a joy and bring healing to the soul.  

A key component is contentment right now, today, because this is what God will honor forward. And you want to be in the ready position to experience the good, better and more whole life He offers. 

So, leave any and all lesser things behind, no matter what they are and how they came about. They cannot compare to where God is sending you.  

All of what seemed foolish from the past will fall away in the new spaces and places at God’s table. And any affliction, handled God’s way, will only advance His purposes.  

To Him be all glory, honor, and praise. Amen. 

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.

Originally published Sunday, 04 August 2024.