Your Wounds Tell a Story - Encouragement Café - August 13

Your Wounds Tell a Story
 By Carolyn Dale Newell

“He heals the brokenhearted; And binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3 NKJV

Emotional scars speak volumes about the pain we have suffered.

It began as an injury. Something pierced us so deep we thought we would never make it. Rejection from someone we called friend. The words you overheard behind your back. The abuse no one should endure. The loss that left you broken. The abandonment that made you feel worthless. The betrayal of a loved one. The lack of compassion. Church hurt. Family hurt.

Then Jesus, our Great Physician, came along and bandaged up those wounds. They were no longer open to fester. Infection was barred as they began to permanently heal. His divine bandages covered the painful places in our souls. In time, they healed, leaving a mark, a scar.

Our war scars tell stories about past hurt, but they also tell about present healing. Occasionally, they speak. They remind us about a time that exists no more. Thank God for His healing! We appreciate the season of life we dwell in today. We see how far God has brought us. Further than we ever thought possible.

Jesus has scars too, where the nails pierced His hands and feet. The place on His side marks the spot where the sword drew blood and water. Jesus could be scarless, but He chose to wear the scars. He can be recognized by them, especially by those like Thomas who doubted and needed to touch the nail prints in His hands and examine Jesus’ side. 

They stand as a reminder of what our sin cost Him. They are a reminder that we are saved, not because of anything we did, not based on anything we do,  but based on everything Jesus did.

A scar is not an open wound that continues to create pain and bitterness. It has healed. Forgiveness has taken place. It just tells a story. One we would often like to forget, but it is a reminder of what Jesus has healed and what He will heal tomorrow. 

While in this world, we will get hurt. We will bleed. We will have more open wounds. But Jesus binds those wounds. Eventually, they heal. And one day, that new injury will be a scar with its own testimony. It will take its place with all the others. Scars aren’t part of today, but a trophy from yesterday. 

A trophy that says you have been victorious. A trophy that says Jesus can and will do it again. A trophy that says nothing is impossible with God. A trophy that says you are filled with the strength of Jesus Christ

They say a picture paints a thousand words, but scars paint a million.

What wounds lay open today. Trust Jesus as you ask Him to heal them. What can you praise Him for from previous scars? How does that help you today?

Heavenly Father, Heal our wounds today so they may become scars for tomorrow. Thank You for carrying us through every injury, every hurt and every pain. In Jesus’ Name, heal our hearts today. Amen.

 © 2019 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Tuesday, 13 August 2024.