When Suffering Brings You to a Loss of Words - Encouragement Café - October 16

When Suffering Brings You to a Loss of Words
 By Jodi Aiken

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  Hebrews 4:12

I have friends and family members that are struggling. Before they can get through one trial another has encroached. Some of their circumstances are so crazy you couldn’t make them up if you tried!

My flesh demands resolution because it’s my nature to want to fix things for them. I find it frustrating when there seems to be no way to relieve them from their pain, uncertainty, and anxiety. Sometimes, I’m just at a loss for words.

I recognize that when I am in their shoes and the struggles seem to come in waves I need someone to remind me there is hope. When life is out of control I need to be reminded of the One who is Sovereign.

Do you need to be reminded, too?

Receive strength, endurance, and hope from His word in Isaiah 43:2 (my emphasis added):

When you pass through deep waters God will be with you.

God is your life preserver and salvation (Psalm 62:2). He is for you and not against you (Psalm 118:6).

When you pass through rivers of difficulty, you will not go down.

God will rescue you (Psalm 69:14). He will not let you drown from your sorrows (Psalm 30:5b). He will keep your head above the waves (Psalm 3:3).

When you walk through the fire, the heat and flames will not burn you.

God is your shield in times of trouble (Psalm 18:2). He will keep you under His wings and protect you (Psalm 91:4).   

I am reminded of three men who walked through the flames and were not burned. You can read about them in Daniel 3.  They were thrown in the fire fully clothed with hands bound by ropes. While in the heat of their trial God stood with them. They were not alone like you are not alone. The ropes that kept them bound were the only things that burned. They were set free to experience peace from fear, anxiety, and doubt while still in the middle of suffering.

You, too, can be set free. The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).

While your circumstances may not change, your perspective can. When your perspective changes, the ropes that have you in bondage are loosed. It’s the perspective that God is Sovereign (1 Chronicles 29:11-12), He sees you (El Roi) (Genesis 16:13), upholds you with His right hand (Isaiah 41:10), and does not abandon you no matter the intensity of your struggle (Deuteronomy 31:6).

God is aware that during our trials we tend to lose sight of where our help comes from. That’s why we all need to be reminded that our help comes from Him (Psalm 121:2). You may be afflicted in every way, but not crushed because God is able to sustain you through His word, His presence, and His power (2 Corinthians 4:7-9).

When we are at a loss for words let’s turn to the Word. I invite you to use all the scripture references noted in this devotion to get started. God has a word for you in His Word.

Lord, help me remember that I am never alone and that you are my help in time of suffering. As I read Your Word allow it to become alive and active within me. Use it to minister to my soul. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

For more encouragement, visit Jodi at JodiAiken.com.

© 2019 by Jodi Aiken. All rights reserved.

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Originally published Wednesday, 16 October 2024.