No Identity Theft - Encouragement Café - October 9

No Identity Theft
 By Carolyn Dale Newell

Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.  2 Corinthians 1:21-22 NKJV

Identity theft is everywhere. Someone gets their hands on your personal information, and the next thing you know, they have stolen money from your bank accounts, made charges on your credit cards, or opened new accounts in your name. Christians have a guarantee that their identity in Christ will never be stolen.

Our verse speaks of each member of the Trinity. We are anointed by God the Father. He has established us in Christ. We have been sealed, which is the ancient practice of using soft wax to make an imprint of a ring to indicate ownership. We have been given the Holy Spirit, who is our guarantee, our down payment. As Jesus Christ said, “…they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28 NKJV).

People identify themselves by many things. Some identify themselves by their wealth or their home. Others may identify themselves by their job title or social standing.  All of which can be taken away.

Wouldn’t it be better to identify ourselves as Christians? That is the one thing that can never be taken away. We are eternally secure – established. The down payment has been paid. We belong to Christ.

When people think of us, the first thing that comes to their mind should be that we are Christians – not a doctor, not a Baptist, and not the lady in the big house with the pool. We should live our lives in a way that the impression we leave upon this world is a godly one. 

Let us give praise to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for each part of the Trinity has in our eternal security. Christian, you are His – forever! 

Examine your life regularly to make sure that the people around you know that you are a Christian. Ask God to direct you in living a life that reflects your identity as His child.

Dear Lord, thank You for saving me and though I mess up from time to time, You have guaranteed that I am secure in Your love. Help me live a life that brings You glory. Direct my steps as a witness to this world. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Exchange fear for faith, worry for worship, and panic for peace with Carolyn’s new book, Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith.

For more encouragement, visit Carolyn at

© 2019 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Wednesday, 09 October 2024.