Who Would I Have Become - Daughters of Promise - July 29


My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to my name. Malachi 1:11

God takes a break from a language of tough love. Though previous verses dealt with the ways Israel had profaned their worship, God pauses to give a prophetic word. He reminds them of who they will become. How gracious He is to provide such a contrast. It allows them to see the disparity between their present lives and their future blessing that emanates from obedience. Perhaps it was staggering for them to consider that a day would come when every single offering would be pure. Or were they so deceived that they couldn’t see how far they had strayed? The day of that particular prophecy has not yet occurred, by the way. It will happen during the millennial reign of Christ.

God has given me many promises in Scripture. He has outlined who I will be in my glorified state. He has provided a roadmap for my journey. Daily, I am to be moving toward the goal of becoming more like that person; the one who will be like Jesus, the one who will live and reign with Him. The contrast between who I am today and who I will evolve into is not only instructive, but inspirational.

When I travel and speak, I always start our Daughters of Promise events by asking women a question. “Who would you be today if you had been raised in the Garden of Eden with God as your Father?” The room gets quiet as big eyes look back at me. I can see that the question is arresting. Many consider the vast difference between who they are now and who they might have become under the love and care of a perfect Father. They would have known perfect love, perfect justice. Their true identity would have been defined and applauded. There would have been no shame. They would have become confident, joyful adults who loved to walk with their Father in the Garden.

How would you answer the question. The difference between who you are now and who you might have been under God’s care provides a roadmap for the rest of your life. Can you more easily see your areas of brokenness and then invite God to move over them with His healing love? Shame will melt in God’s embrace. Fear will dissipate in a Father’s encouraging word. The voices of self-condemnation will no longer drown out the whispers of God’s endearances.

I am still so far from who You want to empower me to become. It’s all about me being able to receive Your love on an even deeper level. I know that now. Amen

Copyright Christine Inc.

Find more info at: www.daughtersofpromise.org

Originally published Monday, 29 July 2019.