Who Does the Truth Serve? - Daughters of Promise - October 24


Truth shall spring up from the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Psalm 85: 11

When the truth is questioned, do I dig my heels in because I belong to God, or am I adamant because it serves me?

I remember when Jesus' identity was questioned.  He claimed that God was his Father.  The religious leaders were indignant, calling him a liar.  If Jesus had not been perfect, He could have easily risen up to defend himself the way we often do. “How dare you question my word!  I told you that God was my Father and I am His Son.  You apparently have no idea who you’re talking to!” Anyone other than Jesus would have been tempted to stand in the pride of his celebrity status.  This temptation would have bitten most children of men.

Jesus stood in truth because He obeyed a truth-telling God, not because by standing in truth, his identity would be validated.  His sense of self was not threatened in the least by others’ disbelief.  And, it was not strengthened by their belief.  If the masses rejected Him, His self-perception suffered no fractures.  There was no personal agenda at stake here other than his unwavering obedience to speak what God prompted Him to speak.

The truth can cause God’s children to rise up in so-called holy wars.  We call ourselves truth-tellers but our heart is disconnected from the right reason to be such.  If I speak the truth today, am I doing it because it benefits me in any way?  The real test is whether or not I am willing to be truthful when faced with potential persecution.  Motives become evident very quickly.

My own heart will continue to deceive me without the help of Your Spirit, Lord.  Amen

Copyright Christine Inc.

Originally published Thursday, 24 October 2019.