Who Can We Trust? Look Up! - Daughters of Promise - October 28


Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.  Psalm 20:7

Lord, forgive us for looking to broken cisterns for living water. As your children, we may live wanting, groaning for your kingdom to come, but we will not be crippled by uncertainty.  We will not succumb to the anxiety of second guessing our future.  Our leaders disappoint us but You rule perfectly.  Our joy and confidence is in Your Kingship.    Each of us pray this out loud today until our whole beings believe it.

You hold our family's future in Your hands.  You hold our health in Your hands.  You hold our security in Your hands.  You hold our disappointments in Your hands.  You have our children's names on the palm of Your hands.  You hold us all when we tremble in fear.  You've got us even when we're skeptical that Your promises are true.  Increase our faith.

We bring our leaders and broken government to you in prayer and know that only You can change them.  As we wait, we give up all rights to know why we wait.  We trust Your sovereign rule in our lives.   Your plans for us are for good – to give us a future and a hope.  Praise be to You, magnificent, trustworthy, and all-powerful Jehovah.  Amen

Copyright Christine Inc.

Originally published Monday, 28 October 2019.