There's No Guesswork - Daughters of Promise - November 5


“I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.
Malachi 3:6

God does not change. What He loves today, He has always loved. What He feels passionate about this morning has been His passion since the beginning of time. What He hates at this very moment, He has always hated.

He loved David’s tender heart. He, likewise, loves mine when my heart is tender. He hated the sins of Israel when they turned a blind eye to the oppressed; the widows and the orphans. He hates it today when I pass them by without giving them a second thought.

God is clear about who He is. He does not subject me, His child, to guesswork where He is concerned. Scripture presents an unambiguous picture of His character and His personality. That makes me feel secure. I never have to wonder how He feels about me. I don’t have to hide, fearing that I have done something to upset Him.

I grew up in an atmosphere of stoicism. My parents were not generous with their thoughts, their love, or their praise. My sister and I seldom knew if we made them happy. On the flip side, we sometimes felt their displeasure, yet they would not tell us what we had done to cause them to withdraw. We had to keep guessing. I remember this dynamic well, even back to age four. I rarely walked into a room confidently. I peeked around the corner first, trying to assess whether those in the room appeared happy to see me. If they did, I entered with a measure of confidence. If their faces showed nothing, I crept in quietly and played without disturbing them.

God is still healing me of my fear and reserve. It has been a divine work of grace only because God, my perfect Father, is giving me a new experience. I’m learning what it’s like to be a daughter under His care. Because He is unchangeable, my heart can be at peace. I can trust in His love. And, when I wound Him and offer a sincere apology, I anticipate a full restoration. God is open and engaging. Because He is, I can be.

Every time I read about You in the stories of the Bible, my heart has more confidence because my picture of You enlarges. Thank You for not being fickle. Your face will never change on me. Amen

Copyright Christine Inc.

Originally published Tuesday, 05 November 2019.