Oh, How I Need a Sign! - Daughters of Promise - May 26


And he said to him, “I am the Lord who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to possess.” But he said, “O Lord God, how am I to know that I shall possess it?” Genesis 15:7-8

Because of Jesus’ harsh words in the Gospels about asking for a sign, I can wrongly conclude that asking for such a thing is displeasing to God. But this story is just one passage in the Old Testament that proves God gladly gives signs. The difference between an acceptable request and an unacceptable request is the kind of heart that asks.

Abram had already believed God, so much so that God had declared him righteous. The sign he asked for was a commemorative event that would forever serve to remind him that God’s promise would come true.

An unacceptable request for a sign comes from unbelief. You’ve heard people say such things. “When God comes down here Himself to tell me, then I’ll believe it!” With such statements, there is no humility, no trace of true searching. The undertone smacks of blasphemy.

If signs were evil, then why would God give Jesus as a sign? Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Is.7:14 When His people, in the context of relationship, looked longingly for salvation, God gave the best sign of all. His only Son!

Perhaps God has spoken to you about your future. You know that God does not lie. You know that God is a covenant keeping God. You have been standing in faith, watching for the fulfillment of what He has promised. But let’s face it, there are discouraging days. We have an enemy who assaults us on all sides and undermines God’s character. Our hearts can faint even though at the core of our spirit, we still believe. We cry out to God for a sign, for a commemorative event that will strengthen our weakened hearts. God knows the deep weariness that plagues His people in the midst of their obedience. He is the one who sent angels to minister to Jesus in the wilderness when He was depleted and weary. He is the Father who rewards faith with signs and answered prayers.

You see where I’m fainting. I hold on to you, in faith. Would you give me a sign that will strengthen me for the long road ahead? Amen.

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

Originally published Thursday, 26 May 2016.