Does God Grieve? - Daughters of Promise - May 27

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I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”   Isaiah 6:8

Marriage is built on love.  Love is proven when I am invested in the things my husband cares about most.  What God leads him to build, I support.  When he is frustrated, I listen and help problem solve.  When he can’t do it alone, I give my best efforts to make him successful.   When he fails, I feel for him as if the failure were mine.  When he loses what he loves, I ask God to give me a heart for his loss and I make sure he doesn’t grieve alone.  Live long enough as a couple and each of these statements will become part of your marriage experience.

For the past week, I’ve been wondering how much I care about the passions of God’s heart.  He is my Bridegroom also and I am to be invested in His dreams.  He also wants to build.  Do I support it?  He also is frustrated.  Do I listen to Him in prayer and take part in holy problem solving?  He also doesn’t work alone.  He has chosen me to do kingdom work.  Am I engaged with what I was created by Him to do?  He also grieves when His dreams for people and ministries are shattered by sin.  Does His pain move me?

God sent Jesus to birth many children into the kingdom.  He, collectively, calls them His church.  He is passionate about His church family and how it should function to raise spiritual children to maturity.  He’s constantly trying to communicate to leaders about what to preach, when to pray, when to correct, when to restrain.  But if they don’t listen, the effect is catastrophic.   People languish and God’s dreams are broken.  Then He grieves.

  • Last Sunday, someone needed to come to the altar to repent of his sin.  The chains on his wrists could have been broken but the pastor didn’t listen to the Spirit to make an altar call.
  • Last Sunday, a woman attended church who was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer.   God prompted someone to pray for her healing but that person was self-focused and dismissed the nudging.
  • Last Sunday, a couple was hanging onto their marriage by a thread.  They decided to file for divorce on Monday morning.  God had a saving word for them but the sermon that should have been preached was never even conceived.

While I should be heartbroken for the people who missed opportunities for no fault of their own, I should be even more saddened for the Father who dreamt of blessing His children but saw sinful humanity failing to cooperate.  How many things, from just one week, is God grieving?   Was I one of those who missed an opportunity?  Perhaps I am someone who can redeem someone else’s lost opportunity.

This morning, I can’t stop the tears.  I’ve been asking God to help me understand, more deeply, His heart and His passion.  If someone like me has the capability of comforting God, I pray I will prove it with passionate obedience.

It’s not about what I want.  About my ministry.  It’s all about what You want and me embarking on Your dreams.  I’m here.  In Jesus' name, Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Monday, 27 May 2024.