A Sweeping Act of Unfathomable Love! - Daughters of Promise - June 23

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“The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob; and this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins.”   Romans 11:26-27

Every child I know trembles when he hears the words, “Just wait till your father comes home.”  It is associated with anger and disappointment, as well as punishment and shame.  Human parenting can be so far removed from the perfect parenting of our Heavenly Father.   What is behind a ‘deliverer coming from Zion to banish ungodliness?’  A covenant.

Some covenants are made between two people.  “If you do this, I will do that.”  This is not the covenant God makes with Abraham.  In fact, he put Abraham in a deep sleep and God did all the talking.  His covenant was one-sided.  Not matter how obstinate or submissive the children of Israel were, or are, or will be, His covenant still stands because God promised it with His eyes fully open.

God exposes, dies for (through Christ), and forgives sin because He loves.   If sin exists, there is a breach in the relationships He prizes above all else.  The distance between the hearts of His people and His heart wounds Him deeply.  He calls out into the night of men’s souls with mournful cries to return to the One who loves them without condition.

Yes, this Love is outrageous.  Who keeps a promise to a people who create mutiny and treat Him like an enemy?  Only God.  Who keeps a promise to a people who love their sin, the very sins a Father’s Son gave His life for?  Only God.   Who comes to banish ungodliness without retribution?  Only God.   Who comes to banish ungodliness, then forgive and embrace?  Only God.   

Is it possible for human beings to make covenants with God?  Ah yes.  Jesus said, “You shall not make false vows but vows but shall perform your vows to the Lord.”  Matt. 5:33 What happens if we don’t keep our vows perfectly?  We are forgiven.  We break vows every day with the sin in our hearts.  Nonetheless, it is good for me, in good faith, to make a vow to a Father who performs one act after another of unfathomable love.   Even, “I will love you forever with my life.”  What happens on the days when I fail?  I stand on today’s scripture for I am part of spiritual Israel.  “The Deliverer came to banish ungodliness and take away my sin.”

I will love you forever with my life.  Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

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Originally published Friday, 23 June 2023.