A Heart That Leaps - Daughters of Promise - June 3

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The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.   Romans 8:16

I’ve read this verse for years but never knew what it really meant until God showed me one morning what my heart does when I read His words, when I hear a kingdom story, when I sing certain worship songs, and when I see a beautiful natural sight and exclaim.  My heart leaps and strains toward God.  I can feel it bend in His direction, moved, open, stirred with adoration.

It has to be related to what Elizabeth felt in her womb when her unborn baby, John the Baptist, was in the presence of Jesus for the first time.  Jesus was also in Mary’s womb and the two women were greeting each other.  Elizabeth felt John leap within her.  Metaphorically, I believe this perfectly captures what happens when the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit.

Don’t get me wrong.  There have been periods of spiritual dryness in my life when I felt almost nothing.   God seemed distant even though I knew He wasn’t.  I read scripture and it was dust in my mouth.  But, this should be a temporary place on a Christian’s journey.  For the most part, our hearts should be leaping.

Each morning before studying Romans, I ask the Spirit to rise up within me to teach, bring understanding, make my heart alive to the passage, and then be in control of my pen.  Each time He does that, my security in knowing that I am His child is further reinforced.

What I’m feeling led to write today is not meant to spread doubt and fear.  I feel these words are intended to comfort those of you who do doubt. If you care deeply about the words of Jesus, feel moved by Him and what He says, you are experiencing what Paul is describing.

I am not a big fan of the ‘What would Jesus do?’ bracelet.  Christianity is a heart-thing.  I need to be asking, “Would you help me feel like you feel, think what you think?”  When He does that, my body is not my own.  I want to live – leaping.

Some saints of old are depicted as bent in their old age.  Perhaps they’re bent toward you, listening, leaning toward heaven.  The older I get, Lord, make my spirit more limber in Your presence.  Amen 

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

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Originally published Monday, 03 June 2024.