Wisdom from a Widow - Daily Treasure - April 23

Wisdom from a Widow

Sharon W. Betters


Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal (Matthew 6:20).

Dear Friends,

Twenty—three years ago, Patsy Kuipers, our Guest Writer this week, lost her thirty-nine-year-old husband, Ray. His death was sudden and unexpected. Suddenly, life, as she knew it and dreamed about it, was over. Ray’s absence confronted Patsy with a choice. Would she be a victim, embittered by her broken dreams, or would she find a way to be a life-giver to her two little girls?

In this week’s devotionals, Patsy shares some of her journey and we have the privilege of seeing how the Lord kept His promise to be a husband to the widow and a father to the orphan. 

Grief comes in all sizes and is unique to the person experiencing it. After our son’s death, I desperately wanted to talk to bereaved parents ahead of us and longed for them to tell me how long the excruciating pain would last. Not one answered my question. Later, I realized they were honoring the uniqueness of my relationship to our son, Mark. They knew there was no cookie-cutter timeline for grief. Yet, through their stories, I also learned there are some common grief denominators, especially for one who loves Jesus. In this week’s devotions, Patsy doesn’t try to map out a plan for a grieving widow. Instead, she shares some of the treasures along the way that helped her trust the Lord to meet her unique needs His way. 

Often, the more information we have takes some of the sting out of fearful circumstances, especially those we fear happening. For example, all married couples will experience the grief of losing a spouse. Thinking about that moment strikes terror into the hearts of some. How in the world will I cope without my beloved husband or wife? Will I ever laugh again? How will I enjoy new experiences alone? Hearing from a woman twenty-three years ahead of us gives us confidence the Lord will meet us the same way He continues to meet Patsy in her journey without her beloved Ray.

Patsy often refers to herself as “Gardening Grammie,” a title that encompasses two of her favorite pastimes. Widowed at age 38, she was blessed to be gainfully employed all the years she spent raising two daughters on her own. When her job was eliminated several years ago, she returned to school to study horticulture, a passion born of caring for the garden her husband left as part of his legacy. Patsy is Grammie to three small but enthusiastic garden helpers. She enjoys teaching them about plants and the One who created them. Patsy started her blog, “Back 2 the Garden“ (patsykuipers.com), to tell others of God’s great love and faithfulness. She is a member of Grace Covenant Church in Dallas, GA, where she serves on the Women’s Ministry Committee and leads women’s Bible studies. 

I know you will enjoy getting to know Patsy and that her story will encourage you on the pathway our Lord has placed you.

Treasured by Him,


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In His Grip is the preaching and teaching ministry of Dr. Chuck F. Betters from almost fifty years in church ministry. This month’s featured series is: Surprised by Suffering with Dr. Chuck Betters

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sharon W. Betters is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, pastor’s wife, and cofounder of MARKINC Ministries, where she is the Director of Resource Development. Sharon is the author of several books, including Treasures of EncouragementTreasures in Darkness, and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace. She is the co-host of the Help & Hope podcast and writes Daily Treasure, an online devotional.

For more from Daily Treasure please visit MARKINC.ORG.

Originally published Sunday, 23 April 2023.