Wait! ... I Forgot! - Daily Treasure - August 23, 2023

Wait!... I Forgot!
By Marlys Roos


"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I hope." - Psalm 130:5 

How often have you gone into a room and forgotten why you were there? How often have you had to turn around and go home to pick up something you’ve forgotten? Although forgetfulness is attributed to age, that isn’t always the case, especially with spiritual forgetfulness. It can happen at any stage of life.

I regret to say that I am absolutely as spiritually forgetful as the seventy-two elders in Exodus 24 and all the other Israelites who needed constant reminders in the Old Testament. Spiritual forgetfulness did not vanish with the gospel either, because it is a result of the fall and part of our daily struggle until we are home with the Lord (Rom. 7:15-24). Throughout Scripture, we are called to remember or to not forget. God knows our faults: The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matt. 26:41; Mark 14:38).

Almost as soon as I, like those elders, leave the table and walk down the mountain, I forget. Sometimes I’m distracted by good things: family, friends, church, and my work in ministry. And sometimes I’m distracted by not-so-good things: fears, doubts, pride, and self. I forget. I forget that everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory (Rom. 11:36, NLT). I forget to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5b). I even forget the things that He has shown me and I’ve written down so I won’t forget!

Recently, I decided to revisit some of my journal entries from years ago. My heart was pierced as I read the things I had forgotten. I kept asking myself “Why didn’t I remember that?” “Would things be different if I had remembered?” One theme I noticed in some of those entries, as I’ve also seen in Scripture, was “wait”:

“Will you wait for Him? Will you pant for Him as desperately thirsty for living waters (John 4:14), or will you turn to look for satiation elsewhere? He longs to give you drink for your fulfillment. Or will you merely quench a thirst temporarily and continue to travel your own way?”

“Rejoice in His silence as He prepares His blessings for you. Silence is a time for resting not fretting. Rejoice for the time to rest solely on Him. Turn away from the world and its demands to wait upon the Word of God. He is El Shaddai, the loving Parent who rejoices to give only the best—Himself—to His children. Grow strong in knowing a storehouse of blessings wait for you. It is His delight to open it to you as you take your delight in waiting upon Him, serving Him with a patient servant’s heart, delighting only in His will which is best.”

Like those elders, I have a problem with waiting. Moses had told Aaron and the others to wait for him while he met with the LORD. Maybe they did wait on the mountain, at least for a while. But when we next see Aaron, and presumably those who had been with him, in chapter 32, they had given up on Moses’ return and were taking matters into their own hands. How often I’ve done the same and need to be reminded to wait?


Waiting is hard, and knowing when to wait and when to act is even harder, but God has not left us alone to wait or to act. He has given us Scripture, the Church, and, most importantly, His Spirit. Take comfort that in our waiting, He is always active. 

"Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning’s too deep for words." - Romans 8:26


Lord Jesus, thank You for always working for us and in us even when we must wait to see Your work. Give us patience to wait and wisdom to know when to wait and when to act. Thank You for Your faithfulness to remind us of Your sovereignty and strength and our total dependence upon You. Amen.

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Help & Hope podcast is a friend stepping into the private pain of listeners, acting as a tourniquet to help stop the bleeding of a hemorrhaging heart. There are over 160 podcasts that cover a variety of topics. This week’s featured story is: When Your Future Turns Upside with Bryan Stoudt


Marlys Roos is the publications coordinator for the PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries. She, her husband, and her son live in Atlanta and are members of Perimeter Church.

For more from Daily Treasure please visit MARKINC.ORG.

Originally published Wednesday, 23 August 2023.