You have been faithfully serving in ministry and the church for many years, and given much of your energy and time using your gifts to advance God’s Kingdom. However, you may find yourself burnt out or not serving with the same zeal that you once did. Your life circumstances may require that you scale back your level of ministry in the church.
These are all signs that you are entering a new season and it may be time to step back to preserve your physical and mental well-being. How can you still make an impact in your local church and serve the Lord when you feel yourself slowing down?
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1. Pray Without Ceasing
Despite being in a new season or needing to slow down your ministry involvement, you can always pray. James 5:16c states, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Our prayers are powerful and God hears them at all times. You can pray anywhere and your prayers are not relegated to a church building or time of day. Our prayers continue to support and uplift the ministries of the church and beyond the four walls.
Today, I invite you to continue to pray for your Pastor, Pastor’s family, church leadership, other members, and various ministries of the church. Pray for new volunteers, fresh ideas, new souls to come to Christ, and the overall well-being of the ministry. Pray for the community members and neighborhood that your church is located in, as well as partnering organizations.
You can take the prayer requests that are mentioned each week in your church’s bulletin and incorporate them into your daily prayer time. Your prayers matter and it is one of the best ways to stay connected to God while continuing to serve your local church. There will always be someone or something that we can pray for and we should “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17).
2. Give Selflessly
Giving is another valuable way to serve and remain connected with your local church. There are many ways to give and avenues to do so. You can give financially or with food/clothing to help support those specific ministries for those in need. Giving represents the light of Christ and you can stay engaged without being physically present. As a way of scaling back, you may decide that you will give only one or two times a year or during the holidays. Setting some boundaries on your giving will help you not feel overwhelmed, but still significantly serve the Kingdom. As you transition to slowing down in this new season of serving, I invite you to continue to give from a place of joy and not obligation. Our giving represents God’s goodness and a way to share His resources with those who are in need.
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3. Invite Others to Church
Inviting others to church is a wonderful way to continue to serve and stay connected during every season of your life. When you invite someone to church, you continue to share God’s Word and hope with someone else, and share the vibrant ministries that can be a blessing for him or her. Continuing to invite others to church also is a form of evangelism and allows you to continue to serve in a transformative way. When you are inviting others to church, you can share your testimony about how God has moved in your life, and how different ministries of your church will be a blessing. Inviting others to church also helps you to share God’s love while building community with others.
4. Reconnect with What Brings You Joy
Reconnecting with what brings your soul joy is a healthy and important way to remain engaged and connected. When you serve from a filled cup, you can serve more with gratitude and zeal. Finding joy each day is not an emotion, but a decision. When you wake up each day, you may be faced with many situations and circumstances that attempt to steal your joy. For instance, a misunderstanding, a rude driver, an aggressive co-worker, an unruly child, or an abrupt change of your plans. I often find myself letting a minor occurrence rub me so much the wrong way that I remain upset about it for the rest of the day.
Thankfully, God has shown me it’s not healthy and fruitful to allow my emotions to dictate my state of mind and outlook. He desires for me to seek the joy of the Lord.
When your emotions consume you, you are allowing yourself to remain frustrated, exhausted, and generally not at peace. That’s why finding your joyful place is a daily commitment, where you make a conscious decision to let God be your peace and anchor every day.
Photo Credit: © Unsplash/Sarah Noltner

5. Renew Your Mind Daily
Continue to renew your mind with God’s Word, positive affirmation, and a grateful heart. In seasons of newness of uncertainty, having a renewed mind will help you stay encouraged and empowered as you serve. Romans 12:2 states, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Our thoughts have the power to build up or tear down. When I allow my thoughts to wander, then fear, insecurity, envy, and anxiety set in. Many times, I have thoughts and create scenarios that are untrue and completely contrary to God’s Word.
God can renew your mind with what He has written in the Holy Scriptures because His words help you combat negative thoughts. A renewed mind revolutionizes your focus and changes the trajectory of your life.
Today, I encourage you to realign your thoughts and renew your mind to speak life and hope over your present circumstances.
Renew your mind, to be free from negative thinking.
Renew your mind, to move forward in your God-given purpose.
Renew your mind, to stay connected to God’s Holy Word.
Renew your mind, to overcome the schemes of the enemy.
Renew your mind, to be equipped and empowered to pursue your purpose with boldness.
If you find yourself in the season where God is calling you to step or scale back from serving your local church or ministry, be encouraged. There are many ways to stay connected, grow in your faith, and serve in meaningful ways. Celebrate the diverse ways in which God has used you, your church and pray for wisdom on how to stay connected in this new season. While your involvement may look different, it is no less impactful. God will continue to use you to minister to the needs and hearts of His people, and stay engaged with the ministries of your local church. Be open to this new season and how God will continue to use you.
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Tutye
Originally published Friday, 20 August 2021.