Friend, if our homes are feeling oppressed and we feel the enemy has snuck in through the back door, we must rely on God's mighty power and put on God's full armor.
It started as a simple and casual meeting over coffee and croissants. Time had passed between visits, and due to busy schedules and raising children, we finally found the opportunity to seize the moment to meet up. It was a great way to start the day, but our catching up was anything but "light-hearted." After the usual small talk of inquiring about the kids and sharing about hobbies that had recently captured our hearts, the conversation took an abrupt turn. In a short time, we dove headfirst into a much deeper conversation. In our vulnerability, we poured out our hearts and quickly realized we had both been facing similar issues within the walls of our homes.
We shared how the atmosphere in our homes had shifted. While summertime can do that, bringing chaos with the lack of routine, this felt a little different. There was a weird tension in our marriages, our children seemed moody and off, and an overall sense of heaviness in our homes. Once the coffee cups were empty and crumbs graced our petite plates, there was a sense neither one of us were ready to leave, so my dear friend took my hand and prayed. We both knew we were facing spiritual attacks, and I love that she took swift action. The following moments were wrapped in tearful hugs goodbye, promising to meet again sooner than later, and a sense of unexplainable peace.
Maybe you face a daunting threat or even a full-on spiritual attack in your home. It can be concerning, and as a momma bear, you may be angry it's happening. It can leave you baffled about what to do, but let me invite you to pause and take a deep breath. Understanding the reality of spiritual attacks and why the enemy targets our homes will help better equip you for this fight!
Signs of Spiritual Attack
There are many misconceptions when it comes to spiritual attacks. It's actually much more common than we think or may want to believe. In reality, we face spiritual attacks every single day. They don't always come in some strong evil oppression or diabolical force. Often, a slow fade takes place with an efforted attack to oppress a believer, leaving them feeling helpless, alone, fearful, and even frustrated. This is why we must understand the severity of this! So, what are the signs of a spiritual attack? Whether they come on fast and furious or present themselves slowly over time, these are a few ways the enemy might come into your home and attack your beloved family.
- Doubt. When we begin to question God and His faithfulness and goodness or struggle with trusting God, maybe even believing He somehow punishes us.
- Fear. Between the constant submergence of news and crazy events, we can easily bend to fear and feel the need to go down rabbit holes that will taunt and tantalize us, drawing us away from God.
- Negative thoughts. One of the greatest weapons the liar has is to lie. He gets into our thoughts and uses them as his malicious playground.
- Confusion. The enemy enjoys wreaking havoc on what is good. He will take and twist the truth, making you compromise what you believe.
- Distraction. Work. Hobbies. Social Media. Money. Relationship. And so many other things can divide our time and pull us away from growing our faith, connecting deeper with our God, and digging into His Word.
The Enemy's Strategy
Satan uses many tactics to stir up strife within your life and the lives of those you love. We need to be aware of his strategy by first recognizing the signs of spiritual attack, then understanding his devious strategy. Satan's strategy is simple: he aims to normalize sin and make us fall for it. He wants you to bend and fall victim to the ways of this world. He has a way of making sin look like it's not so bad. With our children, he may use peer pressure or find devious ways to pull them away into terrible situations. With us, it may be mind games and distractions doing his best to rip marriages apart or destroy family ties. We mustn't fall for his schemes. Where he condemns and makes us feel bad about ourselves, believing we aren't worth saving, God sends another message. One cover in love and hope. God tells us we are His most prized possession (John 1:18) and convicts us of our unrighteous behavior and decisions (John 16:8).
Ways to Protect Your Family
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”- Ephesians 6:10-12
Friend, if our homes are feeling oppressed and we feel the enemy has snuck in through the back door, we must rely on God's mighty power and put on God's full armor. Suit up and fight back! Friend, we must keep fighting the good fight and keep up the faith, as Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 4:7. Here are some ways to protect your home against spiritual attacks.
- Read Scripture aloud. Placing Scripture around your home can be nice reminders for your family to see but be sure to read them as a family as well. Have a verse a day or week to say out loud together.
- Proclaim Christ. Boldly and loudly proclaim that Christ is the center of your home. Ask your husband to lead the charge in declaring this statement when your home feels heavy.
- Guard your mind. What is your family watching and listening to? While this can be hard to reign in (especially if you have teens), try to warn your children and teens of the imagery that can capture and confuse their minds, leading them away from God's goodness for them.
- Protect your heart. Who are you allowing in your home? While we are called to love all people, we can't do that well if we are already fighting. Be mindful of who you allow in. Create boundaries with unhealthy relationships.
- Cleanse your home. Take an inventory of what is around your home, from the games to the food. Throw out what is giving the devil a foothold. Even something as simple as foods with excess sugar can make us sluggish, making us an easy target.
Prayer is Our Greatest Weapon
One of the best ways to fight is by taking our heart to our Father, lifting up our fears, doubts, concerns, confusion, and family needs, and placing it all at His feet. Something beautiful happened when my sweet friend took my hand and prayed during our coffee date. My heart rejoiced! God was wrapping His arms around us in that precious moment and lifted the weight. God orchestrated it all by bringing us together for the purpose of leading us back to Him and His faithfulness.
God wants us to come to Him in the midst of our battles. He tells us that He will fight for us (Exodus 14:14) and goes before us. We must be willing to surrender. We need to recognize we are in a spiritual battle and ask our mighty God to help us.
Pray With Me
Father God,
We are so thankful that You provide us with Your amazing love and fearless protection. Please strengthen our faith and forgive us where we grow weak, bending to the evil one's schemes. Guard our minds by etching Your Truth of who we are in You. Place a barrier around our hearts by creating safe boundaries, and help us lean on You when we enter the realm of spiritual battles. We ask this in Your Holy and Precious Name. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/JTGrafix