Can Faith Protect Me from the Events of the End Times?

Emmanuel Abimbola

Emmanuel Abimbola

Contributing Writer
Updated Jan 28, 2025
Can Faith Protect Me from the Events of the End Times?

It's not about escaping the end, since that's beyond our control. It's about discovering that serene calm, that inner resilience, that unwavering belief, even during challenging times.

Let's be honest now. The end times is not exactly a cheery topic. We kind of sidestep it, don't we? A little hush-hush, maybe tucked away with all our other worries, like a forgotten toy under the bed. But, deep down, haven't you felt it? That little shiver, a funny feeling in the pit of your stomach, when you read those parts in Revelation? That unsettling sense that something monumental is brewing? 

You're not alone, I promise you. Lots and lots of people feel that same way. We see the news, the messiness of the world, and a quiet voice inside whispers, God, please keep me safe.

And that is what it's all about. It's not about escaping the end, since that's beyond our control. It's about discovering that serene calm, that inner resilience, that unwavering belief, even during challenging times.

Understanding What's Coming

The Bible describes a time of great adversity, a time of terrible grief and disorder. Although it's not a pretty picture, it will not go away if you act as though it doesn't exist. We need to understand this. 

When the topic of the end times comes up, it isn't about guessing dates or freaking out over prophecies. What matters is that we focus on what we can do, which is to grow closer to God and prepare our hearts. Let's be realistic; everyone interprets Revelation differently. Some people think the Rapture will occur gradually while others think it will happen instantly. 

Whatever your interpretation, it is more important to keep our faith and trust in God's plan than to get bogged down in the details. We must remember that He is our firm hand and foundation, even during the worst storm.

And in times like this, it's good to think about that story of the ten bridesmaids in Matthew 25:1-13. Five were wise, ready for the groom, and five weren't. And while you're at it, you must understand this story is not about literal bridesmaids but about being ready, spiritually. 

Are our hearts ready? Is our faith a bright, burning light? Are we prepared for whatever comes next? Rather than being afraid, we must focus on being smart and ready.

Build Your Inner Strength

Fear is a nasty trick, isn't it? Fear is a powerful weapon wielded by you know who. His goal is to leave us motionless and jittery, like a puppet moving to his music. However, the Good Book never stops whispering about faith and bravery. It states unequivocally in 2 Timothy 1:7 that we are not endowed with a spirit of fear. but rather with strength, love, and a sound mind.

Therefore, developing our inner strength is not about becoming a stiff, emotionless thing, but rather about finding our footing and settling deeply into God's love—that unwavering, unending kind of love. We must learn to trust in God completely. 

To be honest, though, there are moments when our faith feels like a tiny spark in a terrible storm. A little flickering candle, almost blown out. But even that tiny light shines, doesn't it? It guides us, even in the deepest dark.

Prayer is the ultimate key in our moments of fear. Talking to God, truly talking—not just when things go south, but every day—is our real lifeline. Prayer brings us comfort; it shows us the way and gives us the oomph to keep going.

The Power of Community

Now, the fact that we are sticking together is something else that really irritates Satan. The truth is, we are not meant to always fight these battles by ourselves. We're the body of Christ, a family, a team, a whole lot of people supporting each other. 

So, being with others who believe, going to church, and sharing our faith makes us stronger—far stronger than we are on our own. Numbers provide a sense of security and strength unmatched by a single person. It's like a warm, close family, always there, always caring.

Remember the early Christians faced awful things—trouble, persecution, the unknown. But they made it through. Their shared belief and their love for one another kept them going. They shared what little they had, supported one another, and drew strength from their unity. 

We can learn so much from them. Are we doing the same? Are we truly part of our church family, helping each other out? Are we making real connections with other believers?

Focus on God's Promises

When everything around us seems to be falling apart, it's very easy to forget what God has promised. But holding onto His Word like a lifeline, thinking about how faithful He's been, and remembering His amazing love—that's the key. God is not some faraway, cold king. 

God is deeply caring, truly, and His promises are as sturdy as stones. He says in Isaiah 41:10 (KJV): "Fear not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yes, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

When fear tries to overwhelm us, let's recall those amazing things God has done—the Red Sea splitting, feeding all those people, Jesus rising again. These are not old wives' tales; rather, they proclaim His mighty might and His everlasting promise to His people.

Living a Life That Matters

Maybe the best way to get ready for whatever's coming in the end times isn't to run around grabbing stuff or puzzling over prophecies. Rather, living completely for God, touching other people's lives, and sharing the good news. 

We don't know when it will happen, but we do know our lives should show Jesus' love and kindness. A life spent helping others, showing compassion, and spreading hope—that's a life well spent, no matter what tomorrow brings.

Just think: What kind of memory do you want to leave behind? What difference do you want to make? The goal isn't about getting praise but glorifying God through our actions, sharing His love with a world that so badly needs it. Are we truly seeking ways to serve? Are we telling others about the wonderful salvation Jesus offers?

Finding Peace Amidst Anxiety

True peace isn't the quiet absence of worry; it's something more. It's like having God right there, nestled in your soul, a warm hearth against the cold wind. It's finding comfort in His love, a love that's unwavering. 

In the midst of uncertainty, we must learn to trust Him. Trust in God’s plan, even when it looks like a scribbled mess to our poor little eyes. In trusting God, we will find true peace, the kind that's bigger than all our understanding. It's a gift, a pure gift (Philippians 4:7).

Let us develop the ability to view God as the greater whole. He is always there for us, and His timing is perfect. And His plans unfold just like He always intended. We can truly rest because we know He’s working everything for good, His good, and for His glory (Romans 8:28). 

So, instead of fearing the unknown, find a quiet spot, somewhere comfy. Breathe deep, real deep. Let that truth soak into you, seep into your bones. It might take a while—a little practice, maybe—but the peace—that peace is worth more than all the gold in the world.

Now, about those end times, those whispers of what's to come. Don't let them fill you with dread. Rather, anticipate Christ’s return, the glorious return of our Savior! The final, breathtaking victory of good, the shining dawn of God's eternal kingdom. Think about that hope—that incredible, breathtaking hope we have, us believers. Our goal shouldn’t be about surviving but about being found faithful. It's not what happens, but who we are when it does.

The End Times and Our Response

We can't shift the world's path, no. But we can change our steps. We can choose faith, a bright flame against the dark. Hope instead of despair, a little seed pushing through the hard ground. Love over hatred, a gentle hand reaching out. 

Let's be the light, the salt, showing the world the way—the transforming love of God. Let's not be driven by fear but by something deeper, stronger—faith. Faith in His plan, faith in His promises. A life lived to please Him—that's the goal.

So, let's not tremble at the what-ifs, the maybe-this-maybe-thats. Let's live in faith and hope, our eyes fixed on the beautiful, glorious future that waits for us. Let's prepare ourselves, not with fear but with spiritual growth, with loving connection to one another, with a steadfast, unwavering love for God and those around us. And let's be ready, ready for whatever may come.

Are you ready? Let's walk this path together, shall we?

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Ig0rZh

Emmanuel Abimbola headshotEmmanuel Abimbola is a creative freelance writer, blogger, and web designer. He is a devout Christian with an uncompromising faith who hails from Ondo State in Nigeria, West Africa. As a lover of kids, Emmanuel runs a small elementary school in Arigidi, Nigeria.