Some days are easier than others. Here is an evening prayer for when you need to reconnect with God before you sleep, to end the day on a good note.
Dear Lord, for as long as I can remember a day is only 24 hours, but this one felt longer than that. Weariness sets in and we wonder where you are, but I know that you hear me even before I choose to pray. My burdens are no secret. You hear the breath you put in my bones even when it’s shallow. I thank you that I’m known by you.
At the end of this day, I’m reassured that I can come boldly to your throne to find grace in my time of need (Hebrews 4:16). I can pray with assurance to you because you are a faithful God, regardless of the day I’ve had. At the end of this day Lord, I come to you knowing that you will hear and comfort me.
I know that in peace I will both lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety (Psalms 4:7-8). You are still God in the middle of mysterious things. The days transition by your power—you are the author of my life even when I’m not awake. Thank you for using these moments to remind me of your sovereignty.
For all those who crossed my path today, I lift them up to you. For the person who cut me off on the highway, to the nice person who went out of her way to say “hi.” For the children, for the teachers, the caretakers, the employees, the bosses, the nurses, the doctors, the bill collectors, the gardeners, our children, our families—I thank you for all of them. Because you made them just like you made me. Forgive me if I treated your creation in a way that did not reflect your glory. Thank you for the capacity to interact in a way that pleases you. Where I’ve fallen short, convict me so that I can change. Continue to encourage and fortify so that I can do what you’ve called me to do.
I forgot who I was in You today. I forgot that I’m an overcomer, a warrior, a conqueror, a peacemaker, beloved, royalty. At the end of this day, thank you for this heavenly reminder that you see me better than I see myself.
Sometimes I want to complain because things did not go my way, but Lord at the end of the day I remember that you are in control. I remember that I’m not alone in this world and you are using everything to mold me into a vessel of honor. You are the Potter and I am the clay (Jeremiah 18:4). Thank you for the wisdom of your word for each situation; thank you for being the Comforter who soothes my jagged emotions. Thank you. Things do not have to go my way in order for me to have a good day. You are good and I go through life with your help.
Sometimes when we have bad days we think the only way out is an escape. But at the end of this day Lord you’ve made it clear to me that sometimes I need to go through a bad day to get closer to you, so that I know I can have peace in the storm. Because you’re still saying to us “Peace be still” (Mark 4:39). Just as you calmed the waves all around you, I’m reassured that you can do the same for the storms in my life. Because you fortify me, I can tell the storms in my life to be still. And as you speak to me through the storms, my storms are stilled and so am I. You have quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me (Psalms 131:2).
At the end of the day, as you quiet me, I sense your presence. I know that you are here with me, for you are my shepherd. You are always near. I know that I’m not alone. I know that I need not fear for your rod and staff—they comfort me. I know that you are protecting and correcting me. I know that with you I can do great things for your honor and glory. You are the good shepherd who cares for us (John 10:11). The truth of your word is clear - I now know contentment because you are with me.
I humbly submit myself to you at the end of another day. At the end of this day, I see your all-encompassing hands which protected and guided me. I thank you for giving me the strength and the wherewithal to get through the day. I thank you for your fruits—love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-23), which enable me to walk worthy. I thank you that your word is truth (Psalms 119:160) and that it was a light to my feet throughout this day. I thank you that the truth of your word won’t trip us up. I thank you that our long days pale in comparison to the longest day you endured when you died for us. Because you died and rose again, we can live victoriously.
At the end of this day, change my heart O Lord. Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts (Psalms 139:23). Renew me for another day. Teach me your ways. Show me your glory. Reveal your presence. Give me rest as I lay down and sleep. Sustain me (Psalm 3:5).
Thank you, Lord, for keeping me—for your divine favor, grace, mercy, and love. Thank you for taking me through another day.
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Tinnakorn Jorruang
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This article is part of our prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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