A Christian's Approach to Discouragement

Vivian Bricker

Contributing Writer
Published Aug 12, 2024
A Christian's Approach to Discouragement

...it's vital to understand that once we acknowledge our discouraged state, the only way to find true restoration is to go to God with our brokenness. 

Feelings of discouragement can come knocking on our doors at random times. Sometimes, it can be triggered by a particular event, but other times, it isn't precipitated by anything. If you have felt discouraged, know you are not alone. Even as Christians, we can still face discouragement in our daily lives. Don’t feel guilty for feeling discouraged. Instead, know that it is normal and doesn’t make you less of a believer in the Lord. 

It's common for all of us to face discouragement at some point in our lives, so it's important to know how to face it in a way that brings glory to God. As Christians, we need to strive to bring glory to God in everything we do, including the hard parts of life like wrestling with discouragement. With this being said, you must understand that it can be hard to know what to do when you are feeling discouraged, and there are times when hard situations don't leave you overly excited to discover ways the chaos and pain can bring glory to God. Nobody needs to underestimate how much discouragement can weigh you down. This is why we need to know what to do when discouragement looms.

Accepting Discouragement

The first step when you are discouraged is to accept that you are feeling this way. Don’t run away from the feeling or try to numb it. Instead, accept the feeling of discouragement and recognize that it impacts us all at some point in life. Job searching, trying to purchase a house, or being rejected by a loved one can make us feel discouraged and hurt. There is no reason to feel ashamed for being discouraged because you were hopeful and your hopes were shattered. That's a natural part of the grieving process we face in an imperfect world. 

Allow yourself to feel the pain of discouragement. If you try to act as though you are not discouraged or crestfallen, it will only cause you more pain. But realize that the pain won't last forever. If you are discouraged because of not being able to find a steady job, trust God's provision and keep applying for positions. If you are becoming discouraged because all of the houses on the market are too expensive, trust God with the process and continue working with a trusted realtor as you have faith that God will open the right door. In the same way, if you are discouraged because you were rejected by a loved one, trust God and allow Him to hold space for your grief and make a way for others to fill the void with encouragement and support. 

As humans, it's easy for us to run away from anything that scares us; however, there comes a time when we have to face things that make us uncomfortable, and this includes discouragement. Once we can accept the discouragement, we can start moving forward in healing from the pain. But it's vital to understand that once we acknowledge our discouraged state, the only way to find true restoration is to go to God with our brokenness.

Going to God

What you need to do when you are feeling discouraged is turn to God. This is the most clear-cut solution because only God can help us with these feelings. The Bible tells us not to be discouraged, but to be strong and courageous: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). As God says in this passage, He commands us to be strong and courageous. There is nothing to fear. There is no reason to be discouraged when the God who controls all things holds your life in His good, gentle, protective hands. 

Just as God was with Joshua and the Israelites, so He will be with us. Joshua 1:9 refers to a specific time in biblical history; however, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply to us now. God tells Joshua and Israel not to be afraid or to let their hearts become discouraged because He is with them—even as they face literal giants. Just as God was walking with Joshua and Israel, He is walking with us. He will help us with our discouragement and renew our hearts with hope. 

Growing discouraged is not uncommon; however, God does not want us to give way to discouragement. He wants us to be strong and courageous. While this can be hard and feel impossible at times, God can help us. Go to Him when you are feeling discouraged and trust Him with your feelings. Tell Him why you are feeling discouraged and be specific. Don’t be afraid to share your real feelings with Him.

I was recently feeling discouraged after job searching. After applying for many jobs and not hearing back from any of them, my heart grew discouraged. It made me feel inadequate, not good enough, and hopeless when I kept being turned down by various organizations. Despite still not hearing back from these places, I have decided to give the matter to God. Do I still feel discouraged? Yes, but I’m deciding to trust God with the outcome.

Even if I don’t get one of these first jobs I applied for, I will continue to apply for more positions in the hope I will get the job God wants me to have for this season of life. Trying to fight against the feeling of discouragement is difficult; however, God will help you shift your focus, tilting your heart towards hope. It's okay to grieve what caused your discouragement, and it's okay to move on and try again. No matter what is causing you to feel discouraged today, know that God can help you. In fact, God longs to help you.

Rejecting Toxic Positivity 

Perhaps you are in a similar situation and there is no light at the end of the tunnel right now. Most of the time, toxic positivity will tell us not to be discouraged because “good things are right around the corner.” This isn’t always true because whatever you are trying to achieve might not happen, and that is okay. We don't always get things right the first time, and many times, we don't know what's best for us. Whether that is a certain job, relationship, or goal, know that feelings of discouragement are valid and nothing to feel ashamed of. God knows we will face discouraging times, and even though He might not automatically take the discouragement out of our hearts, He does promise to be there with us through the pain. 

Take time to process your discouragement and don’t neglect to talk with God about it. He wants to hear from you, and He isn’t afraid of your feelings. You are not “sinning” or “doing wrong” by struggling with discouragement. As believers, we will still face discouragement throughout our lives because we live in a fallen world. The good news is that we don’t have to fear discouragement for all eternity. 

Looking Forward to the New Heaven and New Earth

There will be a day with no more pain, crying, or death (Revelation 21:4). This will be the day when God creates the New Heaven and New Earth. No longer will any of us ever feel discouraged again. When you are going through intense feelings of discouragement, remember that it will not last forever. In the future, we will be with Christ and we will no longer feel discouraged ever again. This will be a beautiful day that we can all look forward to. Praise the Lord that this will be our permanent reality one day!

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Jude Beck

Vivian BrickerVivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.