In the world we live in, we need to be praying more than ever. Set aside a specific time each day and pray.
Did you connect with God as much as you wanted to last year? We all know that it’s important to grow our faith, but in the lightning speed world we live in, it’s hard to get that time in.
Sometimes it’s easy to get distracted, and it’s not because we don’t want to spend time with God. Some seasons of life can be extremely busy and difficult.
The good news is we can spend time with God wherever we are despite whatever we are going through. If you struggled last year to grow your faith or have a goal to grow your faith more this year, here are some ways that you can grow closer to God, no matter where you are in life:
1. Read the Bible More
Reading the Bible is important to guide us through life and spend more time with the Lord. However, if you’re like me, it can be a pretty intimidating book simply because you don’t know where to start.
Last July, I started listening to The Daily Bible Podcast. Christian author Tricia Goyer and her friend Michelle were reading through the Bible chronologically and then discussing it on their podcast. Each morning in my inbox, I would get an email with a link to the day's Scripture and a link to listen to the podcast. This made reading the Bible so much easier for me, and I learned so many things. It truly opened my eyes. In fact, I’m doing it again this year and am loving it and learning even more. The best part? I stayed consistent. Before, I would choose a random book and then stop because I didn’t know what to read next. Now I’m reading every single day.
Another helpful option is to pick up a devotional and use it to help you read the Bible. You can find devotionals that correlate with all kinds of interests. I have devotionals for cat lovers, 365 days of Hope, and one with a When Calls the Heart theme (a Hallmark Channel TV series).
The best thing about today’s technology is that you don’t have to have a physical Bible in front of you all the time. There are lots of digital versions of the Bible you can download on your phone, e-reader, or tablet so you can read anywhere.
2. Pray More
In the world we live in, we need to be praying more than ever. Set aside a specific time each day and pray. This can be anywhere you find some moments of quiet, like in the shower, waiting for the kids in the carpool line, or while you are waiting in line at the grocery store.
Speaking of prayer, when you are praying for others, it's easy to forget things. Keep a list of prayer requests on your phone and go down the list as you pray. This will help you when you are out somewhere and don’t have a written list with you.
Another option is to make a “war board.” If you’ve seen the movie War Room, you’ll know what I’m talking about. I have a bulletin board in my closet and I type out prayer requests and prayers for friends and family and put them on the board. This way, I don’t forget to pray for anyone or specific situations. I usually update it every three months according to prayers answered or new ones that come up.
3. Spend Time with God in Silence
Set aside time to sit and spend time with God in total silence. This could be early in the morning, on your lunch break at work in your car, or late at night after everyone has gone to bed. Settle your mind, open your heart, and listen to what God is speaking to you. If you only hear silence back, it’s okay. He will answer in his perfect timing.
4. Read Nonfiction Christian Books
Do some research and choose some nonfiction Christian books to read. You can find books about topics on prayer, Bible study, relationships, parenting, etc. Write out what you are struggling with and then find a book that will help you.
5. Surround Yourself with People of Faith
One of the best ways to grow your faith is to hang around other believers. These are the people who will lift you up in prayer, encourage you, and help you through the hard times. I wouldn’t know what to do without my Christian friends. They mean the world to me.
Go out with your Christian friends once a month, join a Bible study, or volunteer with your church. These are all fantastic ways to surround yourself with other believers and get to know people. Remember, we are called to gather.
6. Dive into Christian Entertainment
Be aware of your entertainment and enjoy more Christian podcasts, books, movies, and music. Podcasts and books are full of fantastic information about all kinds of topics. Crank up the worship music or contemporary Christian music in the house or car and dance and sing. Then spend movie nights as a family watching faith-filled movies that are appropriate for the whole family. You can find all genres of music and movies to match your family’s tastes.
7. Attend Church Regularly
It’s important to attend church regularly. This is where we worship God, spend time in the Word, and worship alongside other believers. It’s where we volunteer and reach others outside our congregation and sow into them. Church is crucial to accountability and growing in your faith.
8. Start Your Day with God
Take time to start your day with God. When you wake up, thank him for another day. Take some time to pray before you get out of bed and start your day, or while you are sipping your morning coffee. Ask him to guide you throughout your day and see what He does.
9. Memorize Scripture
Take time to memorize Scripture and keep it tucked away in your heart. This will be important to help get you through the hard times, when you are talking to someone about God, and to lift your spirits when you’re in a bad mood.
10. Practice Gratitude
It is very important to practice gratitude. Thank God for what he has done in your life, what he is doing in your life (even if you can’t see it yet), and what he will do in your life in the future.
If there is something you need, thank him for all he has done in your life up till now and then make your request.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4:6-7
Practicing gratitude will help you grow closer to God, boost your mood, and help you have a better outlook on life.
Growing your faith has never been easier, and there are all kinds of ways to do so. Choose one or two things to focus on and watch as your relationship with God and others grows throughout the year and beyond.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/lovelyday12