10 Tips On Taking Care of Yourself

Courtnaye Richard

I’d like to start this post by asking, “When was the last time that you took time out for yourself?” Because no doubt, most of us lead very busy lives. We’re busy taking care of the house (or apartment), cooking, planning, studying, working, taking care of the hubby and/or kiddos, and so much more, right?! Yet, where is the time for you?

I mean, just about everyone is busy, including me. I get it, totally. BUT…I know how to slow down and take a bite out of life for myself every now and again! Of course, that’s a figure of speech. But, I pray this for you as well, my sister. So in this week’s post, I’m going to share with you 10 Tips on Taking Care of Yourself. Ready?

Okay! Here goes…

Tip #1Schedule a day off…for you alone. Think about what you would like to do on your scheduled day off. If you work a 9am-5pm job, pencil it in on the weekend. If you work for yourself (from home), put it on your calendar that Monday or Tuesday is “My Day Off”. Hey, sis! God rested on the 7th day after all of his work was done. So it’s totally okay to schedule a day off and it’s totally healthy.

Tip #2Take a Sanity Drive – Get away in your car, sis. If you’re stressed out and have a lot on your mind, take a breather by getting into your vehicle and just drive. Get on the highway and drive, pray, clear your mind, cry if you need to. The whole purpose for this is to gather yourself together for your own well-being and sanity. Drive safely and enjoy the ride. Amen!

Tip #3 – Go Shopping! Do you like shopping? I love it! It’s so therapeutic and fun for me! But even if you’re just window or dream shopping, go for it. Leave the kids and work at home (or at the office) and stroll the mall or shopping strip. Try on new things. Buy a piece or two. Catch a good sale and grab that discount and plan a day to wear your new article of clothing or wardrobe. THIS is taking care of you.

Tip #4Make a Lunch or Dinner Reservation for One. This is a personal favorite! Grab a table on the patio at either a new or one of your favorite restaurants in town. Have lunch by your lonesome. Try something new and eat up!   

Tip #5Like Coffee or Tea? Pack up your Bible, journal, computer, and books and head to your local coffee shop for some quality time with you, God, and some coffee (or tea). Don’t forget the sweet Danish! Treat yourself to a delicious bite and time in His Word and free writing or thinking. And savor the taste as you sip and sup with God. You’d be amazed at not only how refreshing this moment is in time. It’s one of my personal hangouts and things to do (I’m actually at one right now as I write this post; accompanied with all the items I described…so it’s tried and true). Go on! Taste and see that the Lord is good! ;-)

Tip #6Bubbles! When was the last time you ran some hot water with a tub full of bubbles? If it’s been awhile, run it, sis! Bring the bubbles, soft instrumental music, candles, and turn the lights down to relax. You can even bring a book to read if you’d like (just turn the light back on). ;-) It’s truly relaxing.  

Tip #7 – Plan a Day with a Friend. God loves for us to fellowship with one another. Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” So spending this girl time together strengthens us, encourages us, and refreshes us in so many ways. There’s nothing like taking time off to spend a day chatting, laughing, crying together (depending on the season you’re in), and enjoying time together. We were created for relationship with God first and others second. So don’t forsake the fellowship, sis. Call up your friend soon and spend some quality time together.

Tip #8 – Take a Personal Retreat. Have you ever done this before? I mean, booking a room at a hotel or resort, packing up an overnight bag, and spending time alone with just you and God. Sometimes you just need to get away to pray, talk to Him without distractions or work, and cry out to Him. Sometimes, it’s just a great way to relax, retreat, and get refreshed. Hey! And don’t forget room service!  

Tip #9 – Need a Massage? I love massages! How about you? Have you ever had one before? Has it been awhile, if you have. I used to schedule one once a month. Sooooo therapeutic! This is good “me” time. Are your muscles tense? Are you super busy or stressed out? If so, consider scheduling a massage. Remember, this post is all about taking care of you.

Tip #10 – Exercise. You either love or hate this one. It’s just that type of relationship! I’m on the latter end. BUT…we’ve got to do it, sis. This is the part where we have to take care of the temples that God has given us. The Holy Spirit dwells there. So let’s do it. In the end, I believe we’ll be glad we did. #energy #strength #fit   

I hope and pray that these tips motivate you to move towards taking better care of “you.” This is not a selfish thing at all. Yet, they’re simply healthy additions to your life. So don’t feel guilty. Pray about which one to go with first or be creative and create your own list. Whatever you do, take care of yourself. Love you, sis.

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!

QUESTION: What do you like to do to take care of yourself? Do you need a break? Need prayer? If so, you can state it here in the comments or email me directly @ insideoutwithcourtnaye@gmail.com TODAY! I look forward to hearing from you soon. God bless! ~Courtnaye

Photo credit: © Unsplash/elisa-ph

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