Why America is in Need of Revival

Alicia Searl

Contributing Writer
Updated May 05, 2022
Why America is in Need of Revival

When we choose to live boldly and call out what is unjust by God’s laws, we begin to allow God to do His mighty work through us (Psalm 101:6). God can revive His people, while wooing (and awakening) the hearts of non-believers, too.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

Oh, David and his heart. We can learn a lot about his story. A story of humble beginnings that grew to be one of the most powerful testimonies seen all throughout Scripture. Many of us grew up hearing about the scrawny lad who defeated a giant with his slingshot or heard about the “man after God’s own heart.” From a shepherd to a warrior to the greatest king of Israel, David has an incredible track record. But what made him so special? David’s story is one that holds an important and valuable lesson for us, even today. His story teaches us about the importance of worshiping and loving God, while it is imperfectly, with our whole heart, fully trusting and obeying His will.

David’s story offers us a pathway to revival. Revival. A word that in a literal sense means to improve. However, in a biblical sense, revival means so much more than just an overall improvement. It’s a restoration and renewal of God’s people  – reviving our hearts to yearn once again for Christ. It’s a word that conjures up many mixed emotions for me. As I reflect on the last two years, I am reminded of how I have been trapped in a state of shock, disappointment, fear, and frustration. That cycle repeats every time I turn on the news or see another disheartening headline. My heart wrestles with my mind… Do I trust God? Am I earnestly seeking His will and way? Honestly, that hasn’t been my initial response. 

As we see a nation that has grown divided and politically charged, it’s begged to question, what do we do about it as believers? First, let’s take a trip down memory lane. If we dig back a bit, we see this country was founded on Christian principles and religious freedoms. Yet in the 1730s there was a turn toward Enlightenment, or the Age of Reason, that swept across the thirteen colonies. This philosophy emphasized scientific and logical world views. Sound familiar? This is when “the First Great Awakening” took place as Christians had become complacent, leading several pastors to seek revival. They did so by traveling and preaching to various towns’ church members. 

From there, later in the early 1800s, “the Second Great Awakening” came as many people stopped attending church regularly, and many fell away from God. In turn, that sparked a movement for the founding of colleges, seminaries, and mission societies. “The Third Great Awakening” approximately took place around the late 1850s to the early 1900s. Much like the first two awakenings, this shift away from God also began to emphasize social sins and embraced more of a secular interpretation of the Bible. A movement of prayer meetings and religious groups began a revival leading people back to the heart of their faith. Then there was the “The Fourth Great Awakening” (while still rather controversial) that took place in the 1960s, known as the era after World War II. A moral decline took place while evangelists such as Billy Graham led a charge to turn hearts back to God with his powerful preaching.

That leads us to where we are today. Fellow believers, if we don’t learn about our history, we are doomed to repeat it. As you can see, we have been repeating this pattern since the start of America. We are broken people, after all, easily swayed by sin and persuasive arguments. And, once again, many believers have become stale in their faith and entranced with the new secular worldviews. 

Unfortunately, our nation has forgotten its roots and the bedrock of Christian values that it once stood upon. As abortion clinics take innocent lives every 36 seconds, it shows our humanity has no value for life. The modern Christian family has been under attack for a while as the God-given roles of a husband and a wife have become blurred and ridiculed. And our precious children are being taught about same-sex relationships at the early age of five, while also being told they can decide their own gender. It’s truly heartbreaking what is happening around us and how far away from God’s Truth we have slipped.

It’s apparent we need Jesus! As believers, we need to arm ourselves with God’s Word and stand up for Truth or we will be swayed to fall for anything. Deuteronomy 5:9 tells us that our children will be punished for the iniquity of our sins. This is because our children will follow where we lead them. They will naturally practice the lifestyles they have been shown and taught. Which is why we need a revival now! For the sake of our children and the next generation. Revival starts with us. By going to God with a humble heart, asking Him to cleanse us and return to His way, His truth, and His life (John 14:6)! When that takes place, with God’s mercy, goodness, grace, and timing, a spiritual awakening can transform this country.

Friends, let’s turn to the book of Psalms for some powerful words in the form of songs, hymns, and prayers. It’s a great place to start as we see David’s heart poured out before God on those pages, reminding us that even through challenging times we have a God that is just, good, holy, and comforting. 

Psalm 85:6 says, "Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?"

David reminds us in this verse that all good comes from our Father. This is a call to action for us as a body of believers. It starts by giving our hearts to God in worship, thanks, and praise; then rising up as the church, praying for God to awaken us and reignite the flame of our faith! When we choose to live boldly and call out what is unjust by God’s laws, we begin to allow God to do His mighty work through us (Psalm 101:6). God can revive His people, while wooing (and awakening) the hearts of non-believers, too.

Psalm 51 lays out a beautiful example for us to pursue revival as David pours out his heart to God. His passion and vigor to be renewed and cleansed by God start with a humble confession. David then seeks mercy and grace by inviting God to cleanse his heart of all injustice. He continues to plead with God to restore the Holy Spirit within him. Lastly, David makes a promise by declaring he will teach others the ways of God, and that he will bring glory to God's name. 

Revival. A word that calls us to worship and praise. A word that causes us to look within. A word that brings us to our knees begging for God’s mercy and grace. A word that equips us and moves us to suit up by putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). A word that gives us the bravery to speak up for injustice against our God and stand up for what is righteous, even If it means standing alone. 

Revival. We need it now, maybe more than ever as each day we draw closer to the day our Savior returns. The time is coming that we may need to be warriors for our God. Will your heart be ready? Will your family be ready? Will your church be ready? 

A Prayer for Our Nation

Heavenly Father,

You are a good Father, and you deserve all our praise. We come to you with open hearts asking you to cleanse us and reignite our faith from within. We ask you to have mercy on us and upon our nation. Please open our eyes to the injustice that is taking place and help us stand up for what is right, what is true, and what is just. Use us, Lord. We are willing to be your instruments to speak love into a lost and broken world. We know we are merely broken vessels, but we hold on to Your promises, knowing that there is a plan and purpose for our lives. So, we ask you to renew the Holy Spirit within us and bring us joy despite our faults, fears, and failures. May we honor you in our words and actions and bring glory to Your Mighty and Precious Name.

In Jesus' Name,


Photo Credit: ©Mediamodifier/Pixabay

Alicia SearlAlicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at aliciasearl.com and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.