Christian life coaching helps you apply God’s truth to every area of your life and aligns with Christian values. It’s a judgment-free and grace-filled space to embrace your identity in Christ.
When you experience something truly valuable, it’s natural to want to share it with others. Whether it’s something fun and entertaining or deeply transformational, you can’t help but recommend it. For example, think about the last time you had an amazing meal at a restaurant where the food and service were both top-notch. You probably told your friends and family about it as soon as you had the opportunity. Or maybe you saw a movie that made you laugh, cry, and walk away feeling inspired. Most likely you couldn’t wait to tell someone to go watch it.
The same is true for things that help you grow personally and spiritually. Christian life coaching is one of those things. It gives Christian women a safe space to work through beliefs that keep them stuck, process their emotions in a healthy way, and realign their lives with biblical truth. It’s a powerful tool that can make a real difference. So why don’t more women take advantage of it?
Let’s explore ten reasons that might make you, as a Christian woman, hesitant to use this resource, and let's discover how you can benefit from life coaching:
1. Lack of Knowledge
You may not fully understand what life coaching is or how it’s different from counseling, mentoring, or discipleship. Without this insight, you might not see how life coaching helps you draw upon your own experiences and abilities to set and reach your objectives as the expert on your life. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) has found that coaching leads to significant personal and professional growth.
2. Fear of Being Vulnerable
Sharing personal struggles with a coach can feel intimidating, especially if you believe that using any tools other than God’s Word and prayer is "unspiritual." As a Christian woman, you may feel pressure to have it all together. These beliefs and fears can make you hesitant to seek additional support. Christian coaches who are trained with the ICF coaching model adhere to a Code of Ethics and Core Competencies in order to build trust and cultivate a safe space for you to share.
3. Misconceptions About Coaching
You may believe coaching is secular or self-focused, and think that it contradicts what the Bible teaches. Christian life coaching helps you apply God’s truth to every area of your life and aligns with Christian values. It’s a judgment-free and grace-filled space to embrace your identity in Christ.
4. Cost Concerns
Life coaching may seem like a luxury expense. If you're a mom or grandmother with limited financial resources, you may prioritize family needs above your own. Thinking that your needs are lower on “the list,” you may hesitate to invest in your individual growth. When you realize that you can’t pour into anyone from an empty pitcher, you begin to see the value of investing in yourself. Most life coaches offer a free discovery call where you can discuss creative ways to work together and stay within your monthly budget. You may be surprised at how affordable life coaching can be. A group coaching program can also be a cost-effective way to experience life coaching.
5. Feeling Overwhelmed
As a Christian woman juggling family, work, ministry, and personal responsibilities, you might feel like you don’t have the time or emotional bandwidth to engage in coaching. You may not realize how a life coach partners with you to define what you believe you need to address or resolve to achieve what you want to accomplish. Coaching can help you manage these very stressors and create margin for what’s truly important.
6. Lack of Confidence
You might not see yourself as a candidate for life coaching because you don’t think your struggles are big enough to warrant professional help. As human beings, we often don't understand our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors or what brings them to the surface. When you become aware of what’s going on inside yourself and how to respond in a healthy way, you feel validated and see your confidence soar.
7. Fear of Change
Life coaching may challenge beliefs and behaviors that are comfortable but not helpful. This fear of stepping into something new or making changes can keep you from embracing coaching. Personal growth happens when you learn new skills, develop your capabilities, and discover more about yourself. Coaching gives you an opportunity to explore what resources you may need to embrace something new.
8. Perceived Selfishness
Christian women are often encouraged to focus on serving others and to die to themselves. As a result, you may view investing in coaching as self-indulgent rather than as a way to express your life in Christ to those in your circle of influence. As believers, we are new creations the moment we put our faith in Jesus. Life coaching can help you embrace the truth of your new identity in Christ and help you discover that you are already dead to sin and alive to God (Romans 6:11). It can help you identify how to express your life in Christ to others.
9. Stuck in Believing Lies
You may have deeply ingrained, false narratives that you tell yourself about God and about yourself on a regular basis. Coaching can help you identify those lies and reframe them according to what’s true about who you are and what you have as God’s very loved child. You, dear Sister in Christ, are worthy of the abundant life Jesus promised (John 10:10).
10. Limiting Beliefs
Have you ever said, “This is just how things are for me,” resigning yourself to your current struggles? Believing they are unchangeable is a limiting belief. You have beliefs about everything, but most of us are not even consciously aware of how they impact the things we do and don’t do. What you believe affects the quality of your life. Limiting beliefs can keep you stuck in a cycle of frustration and disconnection, preventing you from fully knowing who God created you to be and fully living your life in Christ. Life coaching gives you an opportunity to put language to what you believe about yourself, what you believe about God, what you believe is good, what you believe is bad, and so much more.
The Bible encourages us to renew our minds, which is a key aspect of Christian life coaching. Romans 12:2 tells you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. This transformation is about aligning your thoughts and actions with the truth of who you are in Christ, not about following a set of rules. Colossians 3:10 also says that your new self is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created you. This renewal process involves growing in your understanding of God’s truth and allowing it to shape your life.
Christian life coaching is a non-directive approach that encourages you, as a Christian woman, to discover and embrace your identity in Christ. You are encouraged to rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance and the transformative power of God’s truth.
This under-utilized resource of life coaching facilitates reflection by asking open-ended, thought-provoking questions to help you, as a Christian woman, look at your situation and come to your own, Holy-Spirit-led conclusions. It also allows you to shift your perspective and take ownership of your decisions in how you will move forward. While coaches may use various tools to aid you as a client, Jesus is ultimately the One who brings the transformation you experience.
As you can see, Christian life coaching is a powerful, transformative resource that you may not have fully understood. It’s a safe, grace-filled space where you can uncover beliefs that are keeping you from fully experiencing who God created you to be as His child. Life coaching can help you align your life with biblical truth, develop tools to navigate challenges, and embrace the abundant life Jesus came to give you so that you can express His life in you to those in your circle of influence.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Deagreez
Renee Bethel, author of Finding Me: A Woman’s Guide to Learning More About Herself, is a Professional Christian Life Coach and a Certified Enneagram Coach. Her passion is guiding growth-minded Christian women to step into their God-given identity so they can live more authentically and confidently in the freedom of who they are in Christ. If you're ready to change how you view yourself and learn how God sees you, request her resource, Who am I - from God’s Perspective?