When you’re at the end of your rope

Originally published Wednesday, 04 March 2015.

You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. Matthew 5:3 (MSG)

Some days I feel like the ability to hang on by a fingernail should be a superpower.

I’ve had a week of those days. Maybe more. 

Days when I’ve been trying to do everything. Days when I’ve been battered from every side: moving house, relocating towns, renovating our new place, spending three months sleeping in beds wherever they’re vacant, extra work stress, health checkups for Xylon, tight finances, a new nephew, family visiting, friends wanting to say by before we go. 

Somehow I’ve kept it all together. 

Somehow I’ve clung on. 

Somehow grace has seen me through. 

There’s a bible verse I love in Matthew 5:3: 

You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

This verse is so counterintuitive. I know I tend to try and grab on even tighter when I feel like I’m falling. I want to be in control. 

To be honest I’ve been struggling to live it out this week but God has been sneaking reminders of his grace in everywhere: 

A text from a friend telling me how her plans a year ago didn’t work out but how if they had she wouldn’t have a job today. 

A quote in the pages of a Frederick Buechner book: “Life itself is grace.” 

Just enough grace to crack open my soul and remind me that when I look around this life is pretty amazing. 

I’m realising even the view from the end of the rope can be breathtaking if I stop stressing so much about how to control it all. 

It’s not easy, and I cling on more than I let go, but God keeps giving grace, he keeps reminding me that he is at the end of the rope. 

I don’t have to tie a knot and hang on. 

Even when I can’t hold on by a fingernail there is still more of God and his rule. (tweet this)

Turns out I don’t a superpower; I just need to trust God. 

Ponder: How does your view of God change when you’re at the end of your rope?

Prayer: God, help me to cling on to you not the end of the rope. 

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- This was orginally published on my site in November 2014. To read more devotionals like this go to ilovedevotionals.com