For Anyone Wishing Their Life Was Less Ordinary

Originally published Friday, 15 March 2013.

Why is everyone hungry for more? "More, more," they say. "More, more." 

I have God's more-than-enough, More joy in one ordinary day. Psalm 4:6-7 (MSG)


Photo Credit: Design: Wendy van Eyck
I had an ordinary day. 


I woke up, took too long snoozing in bed, had to throw breakfast down and make it out the door on time for another work day.


Nothing special happened at work. 


I turned up, I switched the computer on, I answered queries and problems. Then I went to gym. Came back sat in my office and answered the phone, approved a few things and then headed home.


Later, it was just the same old, same old in my quiet time. I didn’t quite focus on praying. My mind wasn’t really there when I read the scriptures. When I tried to journal it was more about me then about God.


And then I realized that’s okay.


Not every moment of our lives has to be extraordinary. Not every quiet time has to be a revelation. 


Appreciation settled over me for the simple, beautiful day. And I realized that maybe this regular day was God’s extraordinary gift to me.


Perhaps it’s God’s grace that some days are just ordinary. (<- click here to tweet this)


What ordinary thing did you do today that you saw God in? Have you thanked him for it?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this devotional via a comment below or if you enjoyed this post why not tweet it or connect with me on Facebook and twitter.


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