Does God's love feel far away?

Originally published Sunday, 08 December 2013.

Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. Psalm 23:6a (MSG)

When my husband was first diagnosed with cancer I spent a few hours going through the bible and marking verses that spoke about God’s love for me. It was the only way I knew to see God's love in the situation.

In those first few broken days of learning he had cancer I clung to those verses. 

I read them through tears. 

I hopped from one to the other finding hope in the words of love. 

As I read I invited God’s love to follow me into my fears and despair. 

I knew that God’s love for me was my only hope. And I clutched it like a security blanket. 

Recently I came across one of the verses I marked about God’s love in Psalm 23. I was reminded that God’s beauty and love chase after me, snapping at my heals, waiting to overwhelm me. Every day. 

Sometimes when I look at a photo there is a person or thing in the background that completely steals the focus of the picture. I think God’s love can be like that.

When I reflect on my life, or the last year or even yesterday, I can see God’s love and beauty have been there even when I never expected to capture it.

God’s love has been the photobomb in every moment of my life. (tweet this)

God’s unfailing love has been pursuing me since the day I wiggled my toes for the first time. It followed me as I walked barefoot through a forest to say “I do”. And his love chased after me as I looked at my feet while the doctor said, “Your husband has cancer”. 

God’s love has always been my shadow. (tweet this)

As I read through the highlighted verses about love in my bible, the one’s I chose in dark days, I’m reminded that the world can be full of hard things and death valleys, but it’s also a place where God’s goodness and unfailing love pursue me. Every. Single. Day.

Ponder: Where in your life today is God chasing after you with love? When you reflect on your day yesterday where did you see his beauty? If you’d like to share a few of these moments in the comments I’d love to read them. 

Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to your beauty and love every day of my life. Amen.

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