Advent 2013: Awe and Wonder Day 12

Originally published Thursday, 12 December 2013.

I am a news junkie. I love watching the news and keeping up with politics. Fox News is the first channel I click to when turning on the television. But lately, I've intentionally put my head in the sand and shut out the news just to quiet my mind for a season. Please here me say, we should and need to be aware of the happenings of the world around us. But, just for a little while I needed to close out all of the information headed toward my brain that comes with staying up on the latest headlines.

Often people will say they just can't pay attention to the news for it overwhelms them all the evil in the world. I get that. I totally do. Staying in the know is the first step for me personally to be what we often in the church refer to as "salt and light." I can't pray for our country if I don't know what the heck is going on. I can't plead for God to have mercy on us if I don't know what's going on in Washington. I can't have an intelligent conversation with others about my Biblical views if I am not up on the headlines.

Yes. It gets overwhelming to see the death, the murder, the war, the cheating, the lying, the horror that comes with keeping tabs on the happenings in the world. Today's Scripture is a TRUTH that I cling to when I see injustice and evil in the news.

Today's Advent Scripture from THE VOICE: Psalm 45:6-7

O God, Your throne is eternal; You will rule your kingdom with a scepter of justice. You have loved what is right and hated what is evil. That is why God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness and lifted you above your companions.

What keeps me from emotionally breaking down when inundated  by information about the world around me: the underlying truth that God, in His Ultimate authority and power...KNOWS. He knows and He is working. He knows and He is working and He is not surprised by the twists and turns of life swirling around us.

Simple view point? Yes and No.

If you subscribe to this view point maybe you've been accused by others of being simple minded or nieve. I disagree! It takes more faith to trust God than to trust man and his wicked ways in the world. It takes more evidence and effort in seeking of His presence and providence than to sit back and just throw our hands up in surrender. It is not simple nor nieve to argue and plead with God over prayer and study of His word as to why He allows bad things to happen around us.

But faith...

But faith and trust...

But faith and trust and hope...

Awe and Wonder:

This is where we can rest: Our God is Eternal. Our God sees and deplores evil. Our God with His mighty hand will bring justice. We experience His Awe and Wonder when we take our part in Kingdom work BUT also sit back and know that in His perfect timing and in His glorious plan, He is the VICTOR over evil. With this knowledge you and I can...

Be still, be calm, see, and understand I am the True God. I am honored among all the nations. I am honored over all the earth. (Psalm 46:10 THE VOICE)

As we are still and calm, we then stand armed to be that salt and light to the world around us. We can preserve what is good and honorable by speaking truth, by acting in LOVE. We can shine light in the darkness and illuminate God's mercy and hope in the ever so pervasive dark spaces of our culture. Armed with the knowledge that God KNOWS, God SEES, God RULES, may we step out into our world (especially this Christmas season!) and take part in heavenly pursuits of conquering evil in the world. Only through God's strenght and Spirit...only for God's glory and not our own.

Question for you:

~What are your personal thoughts on stay up on the headlines? No right or wrong answer here.

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