Top Ten Devotional Books

Originally published Thursday, 02 January 2014.

As the "Devotional Diva," I wanted to share my recommendations for my top ten devotional books for 2014.

My life changed forever when I started reading the Bible every day. Since I was 15, I made a promise to God to spend time with Him daily through devotions. Sometimes I read through a One Year Bible, and sometimes with no Bible reading--only daily devotional books.

Every year before Christmas, I am asked which devotionals are my favorite. I encourage you to check out these top ten devotional books, and purchase AT LEAST ONE immediately to spark your spiritual growth or for a family member or close friend!

1. The One Year Bible NLT. If you haven't yet, you should read through the entire Bible. My favorite and easiest translation is the New Living Translation. I've read through the Bible many times thanks to this book, and am now am reading through the One Year Bible NIV on Kindle.

Purchase on Amazon here.

2. Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman. This is the only devotional that my grandma, my mom, and I have all read. This is the devotional I have given to my friends more than any other. Also, I have read this multiple years because it is just that good.

Purchase on Amazon here.

3. My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers. This is another one of those devotionals I've read multiple times. Very deep and very encouraging.

Purchase on Amazon here.

4. Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I can't believe it's taken me until now to read this book. I just recently started and every day it speaks to me in a way that I need. Each daily reading is short and sweet and leaves you with a few Bible verses that will just nail you!

Purchase on Amazon here.

5. Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, and Claude King. When I was a teenager, I read this devotional back to back years. I especially loved that it had writing space next to the devotional. For someone who is just starting out having a daily quiet time, this is a great starter book!

Purchase on Amazon here.

6. Seize the Day with Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Charles Ringma. My husband Marc bought this for me for Christmas the first year of our marriage. I loved reading this and was challenged by Mr. Bonhoeffer, an amazing man of God and martyr of the Christian faith. Everyone can learn from him.

Purchase on Amazon here.

7. Sparkling Gems from the Greek by Rick Renner. My dad recommended this to me years ago, but I always had chosen a devotional before I remembered. I've been going through it this past year, and have loved how Mr. Renner picks a greek word (or a few) from a passage of Scripture and explains it throughly. This is a great read for someone who wants to know the Bible in a deeper way, but doesn't know where to start.

Purchase on Amazon here.

8. Daily Reflections on the Names of God by Ava Pennington. Every day, Ms. Pennington uses a name of God and writes a devotional about it. It challenged me, and showed me how little I truly know about God. If you're looking to get to know more of God, His character, and His names--this devotional is for you! I also have had the pleasure of getting to know the author personally. That's always a plus! She's an awesome woman of God!

Purchase on Amazon here.

9. Unto the Hills by Billy Graham. One of the most recognizable Christians, his devotional does not disappoint. I read it a few years back, and because I quoted it so much--I had to keep it!!

Purchase on Amazon here.

10. Faithbook of Jesus by Renee Johnson. This list wouldn't be complete without listing mine! Faithbook is my first published book, and will always be one of my favorites including one of the hardest things I've EVER done. I recommend this for young adults, singles, and 20-somethings.

Purchase on Amazon here.

I would love to know your list of top ten devotional books. Feel free to leave me a comment below and let's keep adding to the list!

*Previously published on

[Photo: graceoverus, Creative Commons]