
Originally published Wednesday, 06 June 2012.

I had a challenging conversation with a friend not too long ago… he tells me he’s not sure he can get behind everything the Bible says. But he knows God wants to change his life. He knows God has given him a great purpose and he knows God loves him… just as he is. 

I listen to his doubts about the Bible. I don’t give answers because I don’t have them. While I personally don’t struggle through believing everything the Bible says, I realize each of us wrestle with God in our own ways.

Can we fully believe in God and still have doubts about Him?

This question I believe many of us are struggling to answer but don’t know where to take our questions.

The desire to understand God is something I believe we as followers of Jesus are holding onto. But the Church often doesn’t leave room for our doubts, questions or concerns. And it seems [more than ever] there isn’t a safe place for us to bring our uncertainties about the “things of God.”

It seems as though many followers of Christ are stepping back from the hard conversations. Perhaps there is a fear of sounding “judgmental,” “preachy,” or “condemning.” But I’m afraid because of those fears, not many people are willing to sit face-to-face with those struggling to understand Truth.

It’s almost like we are experiencing a new type of division in the Church:

Those who question God <-----> Those who don’t question God

We are all journeying through the love of Jesus while trying to find this authentic rhythm of our souls. So my question is this:

Will we be a safe place where others can have conversations about God struggles?

This morning I got an email from a blog reader of mine. I’m on this journey through something called "Interrupt," and it’s been a bit messy. She’s concerned with my words, my doubts, and my heart that is questioning.  

I understand, but it frustrates my soul.

It seems we are drawn to people who have God figured out and we resist those who don’t.

Why can't we have doubts? 

Jude 1:22 says, “Go easy on those who hesitate in the faith.” [MSG]

So today, I admit to you, I don’t have God figured out. I love God… passionately, but I have God struggles. I say this in hopes that perhaps this can be a safe place for us to work through our God struggles.

What do you think? Why is it so hard to bring our God struggles to the table?