God’s healing LOVE

Originally published Tuesday, 26 May 2015.

God’s healing LOVE, it sounds so cliche, but is it? Love is one of those words that gets thrown around A LOT, I personally say it a lot, I don’t think twice to throw it out there, especially if the “feeling” is there, like I LOVE payday candy bars, or my heated seats in my car, or the sunshine.   I love the ocean, my friends, my family… But what does LOVE really mean?

 Love [luhv]

1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

3. passion or desire.

4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.

5. (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?

Now that I read the definition, do I really consider a payday candy bar this important? I mean sometimes, I do like them, but probably not THIS much! The one thing that is amazing and pretty clear and straight forward in the Bible is that God (our Father in Heaven) LOVES US. I know I know we have all heard this, not new information Lindsay!

I have heard that LOVE is a choice, makes sense to me (I can choose to LOVE payday candy bars if I want- you may choose to love a snickers candy bar?) but we do have a choice, right?

So we can CHOOSE to believe that God the Father, our perfect Father in Heaven LOVES us AND we can to CHOOSE to receive His love, or we can choose to know that scripture that Tim Tebow paints on his face during football games, have it memorized, even tell others about it, but still hold our hand out to God and not really receive His love.

I know it sounds impractical, but honestly my heart has been so healed by receiving God’s love for me, not for the world, but for me. . It was a process to believe and receive the fact that the Creator of the universe, LOVED ME, after ALL I had done, not only does He love me (AND YOU), but in a tender way, a profound way. He feels a warm personal attachment and deep affection for me as His beloved child, I am His sweetheart. In Zechariah 2:8, God refers to us as the apple of His eye.  (that’s God, the One who created the entire universe) that can be a little hard to wrap your brain around.

I read a few years ago in the Bible that God IS Love. Have you ever sat and really thought about that, I hadn’t the first 35 years of my life, but this summer I started reading this book Captivating and it talked a lot about how a women is made and how she requires and desires love, I believe a man is the same (but I can only speak from a women’s perspective) that our Creator designed us to be LOVED, because He Himself is LOVE, He gives us a choice to choose whether we will 1. Love Him and 2. Let Him Love us.

That’s all I have…. I think it’s important to sit in and think on.. Ask God why He loves you and  listen to what comes to your heart/head, write it down, you will blush!