When God is not Delivering You!!!

Originally published Monday, 11 April 2016.

I felt tired. Why can’t it be easier, God?

I’d much rather sprint to the finish line – and just “get there”. This way I could finally relax and raise my arms  high saying, “I made it. I am delivered.”

It never seems to work that way.

Too bad, because the idea of panting, heaving and continuing when things get tough, well, that’s tough. Truth is - I’d choose party over preparations, blessings over learning’s and winnings over losings - any day.

Do you have finish line that seems to hold all your dreams,
expectations and success right on the other side?

What does it tend to look like?

Perhaps you think, “If I can just make it over, I will be delivered…”

I will be delivered from that person…
I will be delivered from finances…
I will be delivered from pain…
I will be delivered from problems…
I will be delivered from jealousy…
I will be delivered from myself…
I will be delivered to a better job.
I will be delivered to a high-paying salary.
I will be delivered to a different spouse.
I will be delivered to happy.

Being delivered comes in all different shapes and sizes. Mine happens to look like success. It looks like people seeing me and loving me as I am.

Yuck! It sounds horrible to admit this on paper (or computer). I fight this purported deliverer on the near-daily basis. One minute I hate him, the next I get listening to him again.

When we think anything but Jesus can deliver us,
we grab a lifesaver that's really just bust.

We will run miles trying to reach it,
but little do we know it is actually right before us.


Deliverance is never a place headed, but always found right in the presence of God.
Deliverance is never about future acquisitions, but is always about present love.
Deliverance is never a luxury product, but a person. 

It is Jesus.


The one who always delivers in present moments.
A woman at the well received life in the midst of her normal day.
Many disciples were called in the center of workplace.
Martha was delivered to greater intimacy in the hustle of a home.
Jesus delivers when he wants, where he wants.

Have you considered, perhaps, it is not the future that will deliver you – but only a very present moment? One where you choose to lay your heart wide-open?

There is no finish line, but a finisher, perfector and author of faith, who only works in the tension of the present moment.

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