Let Jesus Stop you In Your Tracks

Originally published Friday, 23 February 2018.

My tracks tend to be on auto-pilot. What about yours? Routinely, I'm interested in what I need to get done, who needs help around me, and what tasks need to be accomplished for the family and God. The order of our day does matter. Our priorities reflect what we believe about our identity.

Let me explain...

A religious man said to Jesus, "I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.” (Lu. 18:21)

Essentially he said, "I've done what mattered, I've obeyed you, I am good."

His identity was: A Rule-Follower.

Jesus replied, "There is still one thing you haven’t done. Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Lu. 18:22).

Essentially Jesus said, "Your treasure is not what you've done, but is found by continually following me. In me, is your identity."

In Christ we are:

Children of God.

Wholly Blameless.

Yet, as we let other treasures cloud the treasure found in following Jesus, we start to believe we: must work hard to be loved, follow every rule, do more to achieve eternal glory, look good to man, and get everything done in our day to be successful.

Where is your treasure? Is it in following and staying close to Jesus? Or is it in doing stuff, accomplishing more, and keeping up with the world in order to stay protected and safe?

What is the one thing that tends to distract you from following Him?

The best lovers of Jesus are the best releasers of what they hold tight to. The more they let go and cling to the robe of Jesus, the more they find their world healed by His love. They follow Him at all costs. They find treasure.

Jesus says to you today, "Leave that one thing behind and come. Follow me."


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