5 Ways The Devil is Scheming to Nab You

Originally published Thursday, 21 January 2016.

Hey, little child of God, I have something to tell you, so listen up.

Happiness is over there. Do you see it? Go ahead, suck in what it could be. Feel it. Relish in it. Why not? Don't you deserve it - for all you have suffered? Aren't you tired of being stuck?

I mean look at you! You idiot!

You marginal fool, why aren't you doing anything,
to change everything?

You are stuck in a church that is not ideal.
You are stuck in a house you don't want to be in.
You are stuck with a family who doesn't get you.
You are stuck with a job that is horrible.
You are stuck with friends that don't really care.
You are stuck in a life that constrains.
You are stuck with kids who are unruly and disobedient.
You are stuck with a spouse who irritates.
You are stuck with a body that is ugly.
You are stuck with health issues that you can't beat.
You are stuck with pressures and problems.
You are stuck being overweight.

Look at you, your life is horrible. I think, I really think, you should have so much more.

Psst...did you know? It doesn't have to stay this way...you can do things about it. Now listen up before your whole life is ruined, before all the marbles are dumped on your head and before you find yourself in a burnt heap of ashes, here is my charge for you:

1. Take control. What God hasn't stepped in to do, you can do. Those he hasn't changed, force them to change. Drive your power in.

2. Seek happy at all costs. If something doesn't make you happy, flee from it to find frolicking fun elsewhere. You only live once, you don't want to sit around missing out. Fulfill your desires and feel good.

3. Remind yourself of all you don't have. 

"You dumb idiot. While everyone else is getting ahead, you are falling backwards. Do something about it. It's not like you are that good of a Christian anyway; you always mess up. You failure. Give up."

Speak like this to yourself and you will be bound to get somewhere.

4. If you can't get what you want, find another way to make yourself feel good.

Drugs, sex, alcohol, shopping, porn, controlling, demoralizing, taunting, instigating, stealing, worry, abusing - it doesn't really matter - just fill your deep need to numb the real belief you are unloved, uncared for and shipwrecked. The moment of controlled power will feel intoxicating.

5. Put yourself first. You are the only one who can fulfill your deep needs. You have to fight hard to get what you want. Defend yourself, arm yourself, distance yourself and put up an armored stronghold around your body. You are a walking fortress; keep it that way or you will be ruined. Shoot, if necessary.

Other quick tips:

- Keep your eyes on what you see before you; make a snap judgement and abide by feelings.
- Don't let the word "patience" fool; God really isn't working for you.
- Don't serve anything, or anyone, that doesn't lead to success.
- There's no one who can come through - like you can.
- You'll miss out if you don't grab the world's cup tightly - and suck it up.
- Put yourself first, no one else will take care of you.
- Get super wise and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
- Mock those who are poor in spirit, "Weaklings!"
- Doubt "hope" and stick with "despair" and you'll fill up with indulgences of the world, for sure.
- Embrace shades of grey and blurred lines between good and evil - you can rationalize things that way.

With this, applause to you! Cheers for you! Great glory to your work! Great progress to your name! Great power to your charge! Great impact to your step! You will do it; you will find pleasure in all you ever wanted, in the enticements and in the lure of your eye.

You know you want it.
So, step in, grab it and bite -
it is the best apple you will ever eat,
even it it makes your blood run cold,
even if 10 minutes after you feel nauseated,
even if the shame adds thirty layers of chains to your hide,
even if you trap yourself into a box you can't seem to claw your chained way out of,
at least you will have joy for a moment, ecstasy for a minute and rule for an hour.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Jo. 10:10

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