Ways to Serve a Single Parent (And Why You Should)

Originally published Tuesday, 05 November 2013.

How can we, as loving, compassionate, members of the global body of Christ, reach out and show love to single parents? Maybe the single parents in your life seem like they have it all together. There are some amazingly, strong single parents today, and many are achieving success parentally and emotionally, while finding great freedom in their walk with the Lord. But even those strong, amazing single parents, could use an occasional helping hand.

Here are a few practical ways to brighten a single parent's day:

- Babysit for free and do it often. Single mothers often work many hours per week and do not want to ask for help. They may even work a second or third job, or be attending a local college, too. Babysitting can be expensive. Encourage single mothers in your life to take the night off. They need it.

- Offer to grocery shop for them. Shopping is a simple task, but shop alone with three children hanging from the buggy and you'll see the challenge many single parents face weekly.

- Give her some girl time. Sometimes the best way to serve a single mom is to invite her for coffee for some adult conversation.

- Start a single parent support group in your church. What a way to be the body of Christ! Start a Bible study or Sunday School Class just for single parents. Give them a place to feel comfortable and welcomed inside your church walls.

Author/speaker, Jennifer Maggio, is one of the nation’s leading authorities on single parents and women’s issues. She is an award-winning author and founder of The Life of a Single Mom Ministries. She currently oversees one of the nation’s largest single moms support groups and has helped to launch more than 1500 others in churches around the globe. She is a regular on radio and television. For more information, visit http://www.thelifeofasinglemom.com