Quick Money-Saving Tips For Busy Single Parents

Originally published Tuesday, 23 April 2013.


  1. Take advantage of coupons and rebates.  Couponing alone could become a full-time job and most of us do not have that type of time to dedicate to the task.  However, if you make even a minimal effort to research what grocery and discount stores in your area are running special coupon programs, you can literally save $100′s every month.  It is well worth an hour of your time per week.
  2. Learn about “Kids Eat Free” specials.  There are websites in almost every community that broadcast the daily kids-eat-free restaurants.  If you are going to eat out anyway, why not find the places that will allow you bring children for free?
  3. Learn the art of the Crockpot Meal.  Admittedly, I have never been a great fan of cooking and only did so out of necessity.  I ate out quite a bit when my kids were younger and I am certain that I fed them far too many beanie-weenies.  A few years back, I dug out my slow-cooker from under the cabinet and committed to learn recipes.  There are hundreds of recipes to cook almost any kind of meat.  The neat thing is this — not only are you feeding your family a healthier meal and a significantly lower cost than eating out, it is an easy way to have a warm family meal together.
  4. Buy only used automobiles.   Brand-new cars lose their value almost immediately.  Yet, we often pay for them for years.  Cars are made so efficiently today that almost any car is certain to last for years.  Purchase a car that is at least 24-36 months old and save dramatically on purchase price.
  5. Drive slower.  Simply but very true.  Faster speeds burn more gas.  With gas prices sky-rocketing upwards of $4.00 per gallon, you can save hundreds annually by simply going 5 miles slower per hour.

Jennifer Maggio is an award-winning author and speaker who is considered one of the nation’s leading authorities on single parents’ and women’s issues. She is founder of The Life of a Single Mom Ministries and Overwhelmed: The Single Moms Magazine. For more information, visit http://www.thelifeofasinglemom.com.