Finding Your Strength as a Single Mother

Originally published Tuesday, 10 July 2012.

As a woman, it can be difficult to function from a place of strength, especially when life's duties can be so overwhelming, and even more so as a single mother who is giving everything you can to simply survive!

As women, we can get caught up in many of the unimportant issues of life, not the least of which is body image. I read a beautiful quote recently that said, "Women need to begin to focus less on what their body looks like and more on what it can do." Wow. When we begin to focus on the fact that our bodies brought forth human life, the fact that we can run, jump, sing, laugh, and more, the wrinkles around our eyes or the droopy skin doesn't seem quite so significant.  Now, that's finding our strength.

Life can sometimes beat us up and we become shrinking violets who feel we have nothing to offer. We become invisible. Do you realize that we were created to be INVINCIBLE, finding our strength in the Lord? We are warriors, fighting the good fight. As we embrace this bold truth, we become strong. We become strong, because our Savior is the very source of all strength.

Our deepest strength - the time when our muscles are exercised the most - comes during times of molding, stretching, and difficulty -- stretching outside our comfort zones.

Finding your strength is about finding your place in His kingdom. Realize you are here to fulfill your role, not someone else's. Rest in knowing that you are complete in Christ alone and He alone is your strength.

"Even youths will weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."    Isaiah 40:30-31

Jennifer Maggio is considered one of the nation's leading authorities on single parent issues. She is founder of The Life of a Single Mom Ministries and Overwhelmed: The Single Moms Magazine. She has been featured on hundreds of radio and television shows, including The 700 Club, Daystar TV, and many others. For more information, visit