Changes Are Coming

Originally published Wednesday, 09 March 2016.

Praying Hands Heart photo

Hello friend! I'm so thankful for you, and I do not take for granted the time you spend visiting my online home. Life is busy; I get it! I'm always beyond blessed when I look at how many of you join me. Thank you!

Because I value your busy schedule, I want to know how I can serve you better. There are many things happening behind the scenes here, and I want to make sure that as we begin to make some subtle changes, and maybe some large changes, that you continue feeling welcome and spiritually encouraged.

In order for me to do this, I have to gather some information. I need to know what you think. Can you please take some time to answer ten survey questions? It will help me navigate the upcoming changes within this ministry. I want to improve upon what is being built here. Meeting your needs is important to me.

This survey can be completed anonymously, so please don't feel that you have to hold back your feelings. I need your truth. I want to hear it!

All you have to do is click HERE to answer the questions.

The survey is open now and will remain online through Monday, March 14th.

Thank you!

