Originally published Tuesday, 16 August 2016.
When she asked me if I would share the truth about myself, the story of my beginning, I knew I would have to start at the end.
Not death. Although that is part of the story too. Not shame. Although I carried that like an invisible shroud for years. Not silence. Although that is what prompted the belief in other lies I believed about myself too: you have no voice; you are not made to be loved; you are never enough.
I was invited to get Soul Bare.
There is a beautiful book my friend Cara Sexton edited and released into the world a few weeks ago. It is called Soul Bare: Stories of Redemption–a book of 31 real-life stories by women who share the things they don’t want to keep silent. Stories of the hard and the beautiful, the desperate and the good. Each story points to God, a testament to His presence in the midst of heartache, disappointment, pain.
My story is in there. It is called Cold, Dark Ground. I talk about my story with my friends over at the beautiful Mudroom. And I am giving away three autographed copies of the book, Soul Bare, too.
First, I hope you will go on over to the Mudroom and read the interview and leave a comment. Then, I hope you enter the giveaway for Soul Bare. I think you are going to love the book.
Enter the giveaway. (First, leave a comment at the interview . . . then come back over and enter the giveaway!) I’ll choose three winners by Rafflecopter and announce the three winners of an autographed book by email and on my Facebook page on Friday, August, 19!
This post appeared originally at jenniferjcamp.com