What to do when you can't hear God

Originally published Wednesday, 13 May 2015.

The 30-ft eyeball in Dallas, TX

“The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” ~ 2 Chronicles 16:9

Dear you.

I just wanted to tell you, it’s going to be ok.  You are going to be fine.  I see you where you are right now.

You don’t know it just yet, but I’ve seen your future, and one day you will get to where I want you to be.  You keep asking Me to show you, and there’s no comfort in what you are looking at.  But my dear, you certainly can be a part of what I am doing in you, if you would give yourself back to Me.  It’s not to late for you to become who I designed you to be.

I’ve seen you try to fix everything, your life, yourself and might I say in the kindest way possible, that I can do better for you.  You see you can’t see the whole picture like I can.  Your view of Me is dimmed by your circumstances, doubt and selfish pride.  I see you seeking and looking for answers, there’s more than I can tell you right now.  I do know this for a fact, you’re going to be fine.

You don’t know it yet, but my infinite Love is stringing you along.  You say it feels unstable in your mind and want a new thing.  You say you feel alone, yet I yearn for you to be alone with Me.  You say you feel unsafe, yet I have had you in My grip since before you were born.  You say that you aren’t enough, and don’t acknowledge that I am your strength.  You say you just want to know love, and I have already proven My love for you on the cross.  You feel hopeless, yet you are blind to my hope that overcomes death.  You say…you’ve ruined everything.  While you have made some bad choices, you have never been ruined past My repair.

“If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.” ~ 1 John 1:8-10

You are going to be ok, but that is only if you start talking to Me.  You only come to Me when you want to blame something you have chosen on Me.  You need Me more than you know.  You are confused, misled, and need some gentle direction.  You need to see that you can’t do life on your own, you need to see that I created you to need other people.  You need to see that I have gifted you and called you my child.  You need to see that My abiding love never fails.

My Love endures.  You say you can’t feel my love.  That’s true, you get further and further away from it when you go the wrong way, when you steer yourself into a pit of regret, when you don’t include me in your conversations, when you self medicate with food, or drugs, or godless porn.  My heart hurts when you look at other people with lust or hate or jealousy.  You grieve me when you don’t trust what I’ve told you, and certainly when you take credit for something that I have done for you.  I even understand why you look to your flesh to see approval and not to Me.

You have fallen and you can’t get up and or out the pit you are in.  I know, I see you.  But my desire for you is to love you to the end of your days, to fill your life with joy, peace, and patience.  To give you goodness and my faithfulness through my gentle ways.  I have been so kind to you.

Even when you don’t see Me, I see you and love you all the same.

When you take time to look to Me, I won’t change.  I’m your strength.  I am your comfort.  I’ll am your wisdom.  I am your direction.  If you seek me and my kingdom, you will find me.  I want to be your all in ALL things.  I want you to be near but the wrong things you continue to do keep Me separated from you.

If you would just talk to me, humbly agree that you can’t do life without me, and turn away from those things that continually drag you down, those choices leave you in pieces, then you can find the joy and satisfaction that I have created you for.  If you could just look to me when you are temped, I will show you a way out.  If you would just give me the attention that I give you, then we could get to know each other again.  If you would just talk with me instead of shouting at me, you will hear My voice.

Why do I keep reminding you that you need Me?

Because you are so worth loving.  Because you are Mine.  Because I made you from my Love.  Because I love you like no one else can.  ~ Your Pappa.