How My Daughter Taught Me To Jump

Originally published Sunday, 12 March 2017.

How My Daughter Taught Me To Jump

Every New Year most people think about changes as they turn over a new calendar page.  Usually, there’s a better “something” most hold on to in regards to lifestyle related goal.  Be it for the betterment of a whole foods diet or more disciplined fitness routine, or perhaps a job promotion.  You think a few new habits can quickly gain back any lost ground from the previous 365 days.  Maybe this is the year your “someday” becomes “today”.  You decide to rise up and do something significant or noteworthy, even going for those dreams.

I am a writer and welcome to my purpose.  Three years ago, I didn’t have the confidence to say it out loud.  I had a “come to Jesus” conversation with my daughter where I discovered what held me back.  I too was one of those followers that bought into the promises for a fresh start.  What I really needed was a new drive and determination to recharge my goals.  How silly to think that new goals would come automatically Jan. 1.  After many failures, I was left tired and unwilling to even try.  When goals are left unchecked the become insidious.

Fears along with insecurities can quickly escalate into full-blown phobias to bring even the most determined person to a halt.  My daughter challenged me to consider an idea.  Could I make a jump from a full-time radio career to my full-time God-given purpose?  I say jump because the line of fear from your life’s purpose to your God-given destiny is a faith threshold.  Dreams must be navigated, planned and prayed over.  All kinds of fears come to attack your comfort zone.  In the middle of this scary storm, dreams are snuffed out.  There was that timid voice, echoing slightly “just give up” in the background of my life.

One day, right in the middle of some fresh Colorado mountain air was a knocking on my heart’s door.  Secretly, I had been asking God if there was “more” to what He had in store for me.  After openly discussing my prayer with my daughter, she declared, “Mom, what are you afraid of?!?”  I was taken aback by her question.  Immediately consumed with insecurities a lump formed in my throat.  Tears started to fall as I crawled up into her lap. It was if our roles reversed and I was the child and she was my mother.  I wept.

The fear inside of my mind was huge, unyielding and bravely waving “coward” in my face.  A mental list of all my insecurities popped into my head.  What happened to my faith??  After, I regained my composure, my personal vision, set some new goals, and inspired myself to take action.

Here’s a little secret:  Your life has a unique purpose!  When you implement action and set your mind to a goal amazing things happen.  You can do it!  Motivation will drive your momentum forward but there must be some hard work that goes along with it.  Confidence often comes while doing the “thing” that scares you.  I began to believe in myself and set some actionable goals.

My first book called, “Preface to a Multi-Volume Dissertation on Everything” was a small start but I have it in writing!  Now how about your dreams, purpose, or goals?  Here’s some good news:  you HAVE A PURPOSE TOO!  Do you have some fears about the direction of your life?  Maybe you need to have a conversation with my daughter to help you discover your purpose.  She is very insightful and wise, yet half my age.  What I’ve learned about fear is it’s often disguised as excuses, procrastination or dressed in comfortable jargon like “when this happens, then I will…”.

Jumping into the unknown can be silly scary when it feels as if you are going at it alone.  I was pleasantly surprised there was a support system that was ready to cheer me on.  My family helped me draw on my strengths and encouraged me to set some disciplines to develop my weaknesses.  One thing was for sure, in regards to my purpose and my dreams, I confess I had let myself become discouraged, frustrated and complacent about pursuing anything outside my comfort zone.

Over time, I lost sight of my personal vision!  Don’t let this happen to you!.  Then something happened that jolted my memory as to why 40 years ago I thought writing it all down was a good idea!  Read the rest of the story in my next blog for how I set myself forward to face the giant before me, leaving my full-time job to pursue my purpose.