Stories Around the Web - May 3

Originally published Friday, 03 May 2013.

Here are some of the great stories and articles we've been reading around the web this week. Definitely check them out! 

What Gardening is Teaching Me About Raising Kids, Patience, and Faith - Tiffany Larson (via Simple Mom)
It's finally warm enough to have some fun outside with the kiddos, and we love Tiffany's thoughts on growing a garden and patience: 

When I don’t see the fruit, I forget about the roots. I forget that while instant gratification isn’t good for children, it’s also not good for me.

The Socially Acceptable Sin - Jason Todd (via Relevant) 
Most people would probably consider gluttony the least "deadly" of all the "7 deadly sins," but we love Jason's deeper look at this socially accepted sin:

At its simplest, gluttony is the soul’s addiction to excess. It occurs when taste overrules hunger, when want outweighs need. And in America, where upsizing has always been part of the American dream, it’s often difficult to distinguish what is hard-earned achievement and what is indulgent excess. In this sense, even the most athletic and toned among us can be gluttons. Any of us can be.

Clutter-Busting Challenge via Money Saving Mom
Everyday in the month of May, Crystal Paine at Money Saving Mom is challenging readers to find at least 7 things to get rid of. Great challenge for those of us with just a little too much clutter in our homes!

I’ll be going through my house from top to bottom during the month of May. And to keep me motivated and accountable, every week day at 2 p.m., I’ll be posting a picture of 7 things I got rid of that day.

For Bangladesh - Logan Wolfram, Life for Dessert
Last week, a Bangladeshi factory collapsed with thousands of workers inside. The death toll close to 400 at this time, with potentially thousands of people still trapped inside. We're grateful for Logan's personal take on this story, having traveled to Bangladesh this past January:

People matter.  Bangladeshi people matter.  And while we all want to save a dollar on what we buy here in the States, I have to say, that I for one can’t not care what’s happening on the other end of the threads that I’m wearing anymore or the goods that I’m consuming.  If we don’t care…and if we demand cheap goods, then at some point we Americans must be willing to recognize that our desire for more …for cheap…is coming at the expense of human lives elsewhere.

What stories did we miss? Share your favorite stories in the comments section!